Death Angel Drops From Enemy Of God Tour


Feb 7, 2003
A representative for Nuclear Blast Records has confirmed that reunited San Francisco Bay Area metallers DEATH ANGEL have withdrawn from the upcoming KREATOR "Enemy of God" North American tour. A replacement act is expected to be announced soon. VADER and THE AUTUMN OFFERING's participation in the trek will not be affected by this announcement.

KREATOR's "Enemy of God" North American tour is scheduled to kick off April 3 at B.B. King's in New York City.

From Blabbermouth. So how does this affect you? Are you less likely to go because of this? Of course it all depends on who the replacement is, but it would've been a good fit with Death Angel.
I don't know Death Angel at all. It looks like I have to pick between this tour and SYL......I saw Art Of Noise II back in 2003, so I thought I was going to go to SYL. Depending on the replacement, that might change.
I was looking foward to Death Angel but I am now curious as to who the replacement will be... Sodom? Destruction? I would shit if it was either of those two. Metal Church would be a good fit... Flotsam and Jetsam, Heathen, Dark Angel????? Something fucking heavy, and something fucking thrashing! ORRRRRRRRRRRR how bout Kreator brings over their power/heavy metal buddies, the mother fucking Grave Digger! If that happened you might as well stick a fork in me because I would be too excited to go on living.
I doubt whoever the replacement is will mean much to me. Classic thrash is probably the genre I have heard the least amount of bands in. Maybe it will be someone more along the lines of Vader, or the bands from Art Of Noise II.

I imagine it would be hard to get a big band like you're mentioning on this short notice....but who knows?