Death Angel

Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
was fucking awesome.

Except for the shitty openers. And the guy who kept grabbing my ass at the beginning of Death Angel's set. o_O

But yes, holy god. It was awesome, you faggots.

I got to sing with Mark into the mic a few times yay.


Venom tomorrow aagheoiwgeoiwgehwwoo
erict says: This show was beyond awesome...

I had mark's crotch in my face most of the show, luckily there was no bad smell coming from said crotch. It was actually quite the nice crotch when he had the leather pants on. Etc.

Death Angel rules... etc.

Fat people who vrush up on me on the other hand, fucking suck, so do bald white people who flail around and punch my kidneys, and smash isabel up...

either way, it was a win of a show, and Gus threw his bass into the audience at the end of the set... and fights commenced. it was hillarious.

now I sleep in preparation of venom, and hope i am not groped while sleeping. etc.
I think EricT is circumsized.

That lower mark is the shaft, with the upper mark being the classic "mushroom tip".

I would venture to say his penis is so metal that its temperature reached scorching degrees at the thought of teabagging Frinya. But when he reached her cheek, she awoke screaming.