Death Angel

Update: it's scabbing over.

Ouch. That looks like you slept on concrete or something. At least it will heal in a week if you don't bother it.
Well, when I saw Death Angel, the venue stamps the hands of everyone under 21. I must've slept on one of my hands, because I woke up with a huge blue stamp mark on my face. And yeah, scrubbing it hurt, but I assure you that I look less retarded with a scab than with blurry blue Japanese characters on my face.

And I say meh to my glasses.
Last time I went to a show where they did that, they just used a sharpie. Soap and water will wash that off.
As long as you're able to walk out of the venue without looking like you're going to throw up, the security guy cannot do anything.
Looked worse the other morning, or I was just really tired and seeing things...

Thought it had some purple in it then...

Either way, it provided quite the good laugh.