Death Breath-stinking up the night.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2003
This is a great new oldschool retro style death metal album. I just thought you death metal fans would be interested. I can't get enough of it.

"Inspired by the recent resurgence in the classic old-school death metal sound, Entombed/Nihilist founder and current Hellacopters front man Nicke Andersson has created Deathbreath, the ultimate tribute band to all that was rough, raw and wretched in extreme metal. Horn-raising death/thrash heroics beget spine-tingling solos as voices from beyond the grave narrate over a relentlessly bombastic battery! No triggers, no pro-tools, and no nonsense; Deathbreath's debut album, Stinking Up the Night (featuring appearances from Jorgen Sandstrom of Grave and Scott Carlson of Repulsion), is the album that old-school Entombed and Repulsion fans have been begging for! Deathbreath comes ripping!"
I expected this to be good when i herd a sample long time ago. When i heard the album I got very dissapointed. It sucks. It sounds like Entombed, the soundproduction sounds like them. Boring stuff.
The music isn't totally grabbing me (not bad though), but I have to own a shirt with that guy on the cover.

i'm not as horny on this cd as everybody else. I just don't like the idea of purposely having rock n' roll distortion etc. I guess

Rock n' roll distortion :lol:
It's just mega old-school death metal to the core, really. Most death-fans today don't care for that style though. It's fully understandable since it is quite far from the hi-fi compressed death-sound of today. Frankly death breath isnt even needed, but comon' its some groovy shit.