Death Breath

There's another difference between bands like The Sword and Death Breath, however. While Death Breath may simply be a cash grab, the music itself is still relatively sincere, performed by someone who has already been a part of the scene, whereas The Sword is just a group of little pissants thinking it's cool to be Metal now in a sense of irony.
They grew up with, lived, and helped create the music that they are playing. As opposed to sitting in a room together one night listening to a handful of classics to learn about what Metal is supposed to sound like in order to start a band. I say relative because the chances are that this band isn't much more than a cash grab, but I also suspect that they know what they're doing as well. Although admittedly, I must apologize because I usually listen to a band's music before I decide not to support them instead of basing my decision solely on extraneous factors.
Well, in this case, you haven't heard them but want to support them, because you have listened to the extraneous factors - namely the big names that are involved.:heh:

You'd probably think 'oh, just another one of these bands' if you heard them without knowing who the members are.

So is cheap nostalgia more legitimate when coming from reputed musicians than from nobodies?
Are you sure that The Sword and the likes are as calculated as you descrbe them? - that would almost equal some casting-band...
I'm not sure how you mean to contest that I haven't heard Death Breath, as not only is there a sample in the article, but the band had two songs on their website.

Anyway, I thought that's how LotFP was run; that bands like The Sword and 3 Inches Of Blood are manufactured money making machines from ironic hipsters out to destroy the true essence of Heavy Metal. There is, at least, a penchant for conspiracy theories. Either way, it comes down to the music. If you don't like it, then don't buy it, but it's fairly illogical to judge of band's music based on everything but the music.
Necuratul said:
Anyway, I thought that's how LotFP was run

For the record, LotFP is hardly "run" any particular way. Right now it's three people with similar perspectives but their own opinions and their own interests in music. Writing is done completely independently of one another. We really don't confer about direction beyond what's seen on this board. Unless Andreas and Dave have formed some secret Cabal. :p They send stuff to me, I might have some comments, it's up to them whether they listen to me, and I put it up.

Although I will be submitting my future work, for their perspective, before publishing just to see how that works out.

Necuratul said:
ironic hipsters out to destroy the true essence of Heavy Metal

I don't interpret it this way. I don't think the "hipsters" (oh I wish another term had been coined, haha) care one little bit about the true essence of heavy metal. Certainly not enough to want to destroy it. And that lack of caring is ignored, the band celebrated by the publicity machine, and the entire genre gets watered down because of it. It's apathy that is the problem.
Europa Ascendent said:
Demigod was head and shoulders above most of their 'peers,' and their lack of broader acceptance was purely a product of location and label.

I fixed it for you. I know you didn't really mean to give credit to the Christian ripoff band Death or their died-because-he-was-a-talentless-faggot founder, Chuck "Six Packs a Day Won't Keep the Cancer Away, And I'm An Enormous Homo Anyway" Schuldiner.

Even though I agree with you on the first statement, I have to say that you are an outright asshole for your repeated attacks and hate that is way out of proportion, being directed towards a person who is dead anyway - and do not think that this is more accepted here than your frequent stabs at Jews.

It's annoying.