Death Country


Feb 22, 2007
Just started getting into this genre of music. It has nothing to do with death metal, it's simply really dark, depressing, hateful country music sometimes with rough vocals.

This is the band I've been listening to recently, I stumbled upon this genre a few years back when I wasn't as musically open-minded and dismissed it before giving it a good listen, can't remember all the bands I found from back then, but I remember there being a good number of them. Check out the song Dust Storm.
After more exploring, I found this awesome song.

I love this kind of country. It's what country truly should be; dark, gloomy, and haunting. Country really comes from the swamps and backwaters of American history. Other artists who use elements of this:

Tom Waits (his dark country stuff is incredible)
16 Horsepower (they're English, but they play in an American country style)
Sons of Perdition

...and the original creator of "death/dark country:"
The Man in Black; Johnny Cash
16 Horsepower

The two other videos I wanted to post aren't working, much to my dismay. If you go to youtube you can see them. They're called "Black Soul Choir" and "Haw." There are lots of others too.
