The Used - New album

apologies on behalf of the folks over 12 years old on this forum, Inva. the children need to fuck off back to General Metal Chat. this is getting on my fucking nerves.


Inva, I honestly never heard The Used, but I visited the myspace link you had and listened to all the songs. I didn't find any of it to my liking besides the very top listed track... the clip of The Bird and the Worm, apparently off their new album out soon. Anyway, the clip sounded interesting so I downloaded the song, and it actually sounds really promising. As far as I see it, this would be "emo band" #2 to kick themselves in the ass and release an album of the kind of musical sophistication you simply don't find in the modern mainstream commercial scene they're apart of. The first band, of course, and the band who started what's probably going to continue to be a snowballing effect for modern commercial "emo" or "poprock" music, was My Chemical Romance's "The Black Parade" in 2006, which is, in my opinion, a solid rock effort vastly beyond anything that's been put out in their realm of commercial music.