Death Grunt

Sorrow's Servant

Oct 11, 2006
I'm singing in a band for about 1 year now and i wanted to start singing Death Grunt but have no idea how that works. So if any body knows how or knows a good site pls i need help :rofl:.

Sry for bad english im swiss :rofl:
kindof stiffing your gut in such a way that if you were to go UGHH like you were furstrated and it wouldn't hurt, but not hard enough that it makes your stomach uncomfortable. Take like a Cat's hissssssss and try and mix that with a voice or tone using the UGH method to help it from not hurting. PAIN MEANS YOU ARE NOT DOING IT RIGHT. Experiment with your mouth shape to learn to change pitch , for death metal grunts you will want something uhhhh, ooooo, ohhhhhh, owwww. type things.

sorry for this crappy and not very in-depth guide, but just try and give it a shot
It's not that fucking hard, jesus. Just take a scream, add a dab of brutality, a sprinkle of morbid grotesqueness, the deepest recesses of bowel, and you're pretty well set.