"Death in Fire" aka This Better Get Me Into the Show!

Woah... I'd look a ton like my dad with a beard.
Woah... I'd look a ton like my dad with a beard.

lol did you actually draw a beard on your face? :lol:

how old are you? Cause i'm 22 and can barely have a mustache... for some people it comes late. I guess i'm so nordic and un-mediterranean that my "fur" takes a while to come out :D
But even though I have beautiful long hair, only old ladies who hardly take a look at me think I'm a girl. My face isn't too girly (age I guess).
lol did you actually draw a beard on your face? :lol:
for some people it comes late. I guess i'm so nordic and un-mediterranean that my "fur" takes a while to come out :D
But even though I have beautiful long hair, only old ladies who hardly take a look at me think I'm a girl. My face isn't too girly (age I guess).

So no Gallic tache for you then :lol:

You made me laugh because your old lady scenario reminded me of what happened to a pal of mine. He used to have a job in this neighbourhood food shop, and this little lady would come in everyday and approach him when he had his back turn, saying "Excuse me, doll, can I have a pint of milk?" Then he turned, big beard on his face, so the lady always corrected herself and said "Ah sorry son, gonna give me a pint of milk?" Every fucking day.

Senile dementia or a naughty old lady taking the piss? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Hey! I saw the pic "in the real life" yesterday. It's awesome! It's currently displayed right at the front of the tour bus. Glad you got in, too.
did i mention how much i love you ozzloaf haha

Thanks man! :)

Hey, if anyone goes to see them can you please try to get a picture of the panel on the bus and post it here or send it to me? That'd be really awesome.