death in fire video

skulldozer said:
Hey, were can i find the music-video for Death In Fire?

try searching this forum for post about it, it has been quite a few, i guess that's what the always so complaisant AxeOfDarkness meant...

but i guess you could find it on most p2p networks. if you're using direct connect it shouldn't be any problems.
Destroyer Of Orden said:
Somoene answer, bcause I need the same question response!

Try some p2p programs like kazaa or DC++ ffs. I found it with DC..

As a side note, Death in Fire is one of the most badass videos I've seen. You'll need an average nuclear power plant to top the amount of energy that's on stage there. :)
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I have yet to see the video, can't find any web streams for it and U.S. TV sucks... it should be cool though
Hopefully one day it'll come out on an AMON AMARTH DVD as well as all that other crazy and oh so fuckin' METAL stuff they get up to! o_O