Death Machine Video - Seperate

New Metal Member
Dec 23, 2003
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Death Machine's video for Seperate is now available in windows media format on! Sorry mac users, I'm looking into encoding it in Quicktime.

Let me know if you'd like to see a better quality version go up. It's 20MB right now, so remember it can go up quite a bit which means a longer download.

FUCK YEAH.............that total fucking rules, if you haven't checked it out yet, do so now. Now that i get MTV2 this video would fit right in on headbangers ball!! The little girl in the video scares the shit out of me

Bob "Buddah"
Wicked video man, cool special effects. I want to really see dm play. DM RULES THE WORLD

HEY GUYS! Just wanted to say that I saw your video and commend you on it because I think it's fucking killer! It seriously kicks the ass out of the majority of the videos I've ever seen! Keep up the great work guys! Oh, and I also wanted to say thanks to Jasun and Troy for coming down to our show last night, we really appreciate guys kick ass! Later!