death magnetic

Funny thing is, I have loathed Metallica since Load. I remember falling into a deep sleep (coma?) listening to Load cuz it was just so boring. I haven't thought much of any of their releases since...and was going down the same route with DM. I mean look at that cover! It sucks...but then I decided to listen to some of the tracks off their website and I have to admit I was shocked. The music is actually very good and sounds convincing as well. It's almost like listening to one of their albums from the old days.
By the way, the mixing for Death magnetic was really should listen to the album ripped from the Gutar hero III game the sound difference is gigantic!
The "new" sound is much much clearer then before because another guy mixed it for the game. download it everywhere in mp3/flac...
This article was of particular interest to me: The Death Of High Fidelity

"With all the technical innovation, music sounds worse"

"God is in the details. But there are no details anymore."

Call me old school, but I never really liked the sound of mp3s. I still buy CDs and don't own an iPod. Not limited to music, I always said to whoever wanted to listen to me (or rather to the ones who could still hear), that gigs are too loud (no, I don't feel too old either). Read the article and you will understand better what I'm talking about.
On the song Broken, Beat & Scarred, the chorus goes something like "What doesn't kill you makes you more strong." Now that just sounds wrong. It should be "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". It seems that its not only the mix which suffers on that album!
It doesn't matter. If I want to hear great production (and I do) I just listen to The Formation of Damnation.
I do not like albums done with pro-tools,They sound crappy and it's very hard to reproduce live.One thing I don't get is, don't these bands listen to the final product before it's released? or do they just leave it up to someone else?I know if I had an album I would listen to it on a regular stereo before I approved it.
I wonder how much say so some bands have. If you don't have a lot of money or the pull, you might not have the option to make certain changes.
That's true.But if I were a new band or one without much pull I would fight for that pull It might be your only chance.If the album doesn't sound good you might not get to do another.I think It's the band that ultimately pays the price,Why risk a crappy sounding album.Of course the record company can always say screw you!