
Bassist Member
Feb 12, 2002
Sao Paulo
Hey people!

I was searching for some Death MIDI files, do you know where can I find some??

I need at least the drum parts, 'coz we (my band) do this: using ProTools, we record the bass, guitars and vocals, and the drums are played by 'Mr. ProTools'... Yeah, don't kill me that's just for fun, while we haven't money for recording the drums in a studio, and that's really fun :D

So if any of you know where can I find some Death midi files (or at least a midi with the drums), please let me know!!!

Thanks in advance!!

PS: Yeah, that's really fun, we use ProTools FREE, and it's not available anymore on their site, so if you want it, mail me and I'll send it to you...
GREAT file for Lack Of Comprehension!!!

I am working right now on a drum track for it, i'm building it, and as soon as I have it done, I'll send it back to you, right??

And, I switched the "Finger Bass" for a "Fretless Bass", right?

See ya
Hmmm!! OK! I'll turn back for a fretted bass!

And... Where did you get the promotion video, man?? Is it online???? Do you know where can I get it?

I'm dying for seeing Steve live or in a video, something...

Thanks in advance
I found the video searching the WinMx server ...

I just searched for "Death" video files to download The Philosopher and Spirit Crusher videos and I realised that there is a Lack Of Comprehension video ,too !!!!!

Does anyone know if there are videos from Symbolic CD ??

That would be killer !!!!!
Roadrunner blows and didn't give them the dough to make a vid for that record.
I only participated in the Philosopher video. On the Lack Of Comprehension video it's Scott Carino who was hired to do all the Human tours because I left when the album was done. Although, I did play on the whole Human album, so on the video that's my FRETTED Rickenbacker you hear, and Scott faking the bass lines with his Alembic.
Really ????????
I suspected that you may not be in the video because it didn't seem to be you but I didn't know that you didn't play in the whole album ...
which songs did you played in ?
I'm sure YOU 're playing in Suicide Machine ...

Could you help me with some tabs ?
Especially with Lack Of Comprehension which I want to cover in some live shows with my band (I play guitar )...

What about these amazing bass tracks in Individual Thought Patterns ?
Do you remember most of what you've played there ?
Dude, I DID play on the whole Human album. Scott got credit for like three notes in the very very very beginning of Cosmic Sea that needed to be fixed because I had to leave to tour with Sadus when we supported Morbid Angel. And the break in the middle where it's just the bass leading in the guitar solo section is definitely me.

And while we're on the subject. The cover of the comp called Fate from Death has Scott's picture on it even though he didn't contribute one note on that album.
Originally posted by Devastator

I have only Lack Of Comprehension in my tab site, but I'm working on some others,too

By the way, dude, I'd like to say you that I don't want to be compromised with you about the drum track for this song, I don't know if I am gonna have enough time for it...

Sorry for that...