Death Prog... I need some.

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
I've been listening to Fleurety's Min Tid Skal Komme all day at work... the recent re-release with the demo tracks just makes it BETTER to me...

... the unmetal metalness of it all... extreme but well textured music...

Forgotten Silence's Senyaan does the same to me (if it is a bit more sprawling an unwieldly, it still is everything I want in music)...

So now I'm asking YOU Royal Carnagians...

What else can I find that approaches this level of greatness in exploration... without hardcore or electronic elements to ruin everything?
Besides Cynic, Atheist, and Death how bout...

Disharmonic Orchestra
Gorguts - Obscura
Radiation 4
Theory in Practice

Thats all I can think of right now...Dude, you need to get Forgotten Silence's KaBAACH...imo its their best effort.
Hmmm, not exactly my area. I do have that FLeurety album though, the original Misanthropy release.

Oh, and there's this new underground band called Opeth or something. I just got into them and their great album, Blackwater Park. Totally proggy with heavy parts and mellow parts. I strongly recommend them. MIKAel IZZ GAWD!!!
JayKeeley said:
Elenium's second album. When they actually make it. :grin:
Oh yeah, this one'll probably be earth shattering. I'm not betting the farm on it, but I'll lay down a few quarters at least. :loco: