Death - Spiritual Healing


Sep 29, 2005
A masterpiece if you ask me, I can listen to that album today and still enjoy it. Pretty rare with bands from that time era. It is an album that have inspired me alot in the beginning of my musical career. The guitar soloing is absolutley amazing, love those duels. James Murphy, you´ve been a great source of inspiration. And I guess you triggered Chuck to play even better.

Went to see them in the beginning of the nineties in Sweden but without Chuck and James :erk:. I think The drummer of a band called Devastation sang, not good, dont know who played the guitar. Never knew why Chuck decided to not go on that tour, James had already left the band.

Hats off
Chuck R.I.P
had good times making that record. and yeah, it does still stand up pretty damned well. i saw the writing on the wall by the end of my first tour with them though, and parted ways. Glad to not have been part of that weird Euro-tour without Chuck. Chuck and i wrote very well together and were very tight musically, and for some time personally as well.
Last week I got an mp3 player for my car, so made a best albums cd and this record not only fits, but stands out brilliantly on it. One of my faves for sure! :kickass: