Death Symbolic cover by Sylosis feat Ryan Knight

Those of you how have reasoning along the lines of "it's a cover, it shouldn't sound the same" - I agree, but then the artist should re-arrange the song or play some variations on the riffs, not just playing material from note to note and only change some minor stuff, like it's done here with the 2nd solo and vox.
Remember that version of Crystal Mountain on Death tribute CD from years ago? - that's what I am talking about. If you are playing song the same way as original down to the last note - than all the elements should sound as close, and that's what I was saying.

The above version sounds like if the band were playing it live. But that goes to a lot of covers out there that even end up on official releases, not just this particular case. I just don't see the point in doing it.
As I said, the band is tight and competent, but I don't like it.
What are you the cover police? Anyone can cover any song however they like. Perhaps you can post your version of this song and we might better understand you. This is a fanboy rant. Get over it hahaha.
@ Rob. My face is ugly enough to kill for sure ;) haha.
This is a public forum, so anything posted on it is up for discussion.
Btw, I just happen to know this song/album pretty well, so that's one of the reasons for posting in this thread.