Death to Muslims-DEath to ALLAH


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Principal Resigns Over 'Intifada' T-Shirts
Posted: 2007-08-11 10:13:10
Filed Under: Nation News
NEW YORK (Aug. 11) - An Arabic-themed public school will still open in September, despite the abrupt departure of its embattled principal, the city Department of Education said.

Photo Gallery: Lost in Translation?
Diane Bondareff, AP

Debbie Almontaser resigned as principal of an Arab-themed public school in New York Friday after she was criticized for being part of group selling shirts imprinted with the words "Intifada NYC."

So far, 45 students have enrolled in the Khalil Gibran International Academy, which is eventually to cover grades 6 to 12. But the Brooklyn school and its intended principal, Debbie Almontaser, have faced questions and criticism since plans for the academy were announced in February.

Almontaser resigned Friday after coming under fire for failing to condemn the use of the highly charged word "intifada" on T-shirts.

"I became convinced yesterday that this week's headlines were endangering the viability of Khalil Gibran International Academy, even though I apologized," she said in a statement.

Almontaser's departure comes on the heels of an editorial flaying in the New York Post and an article this week that connected Almontaser to Arab Women Active in Art and Media.

That group is selling shirts imprinted with the words "Intifada NYC." It shares office space with the Saba Association of American Yemenis, which counts Almontaser among its board members.

The tabloid asserted the shirts had a subversive meaning: "The inflammatory tees boldly declare 'Intifada NYC' - apparently a call for a Gaza-style uprising in the Big Apple."

Almontaser, a public school teacher with 15 years of experience, told the paper that was a stretch. She said the word, which is most commonly associated with the violent Palestinian uprising against the Israelis, "basically means 'shaking off."'

"That is the root word if you look it up in Arabic," she said. "I understand it is developing a negative connotation due to the uprising in the Palestinian-Israeli areas. I don't believe the intention is to have any of that kind of (violence) in New York City."

She said the shirts provided an "opportunity for girls to express that they are part of New York City society ... and shaking off oppression."

A message left on Almontaser's cell phone was not returned Friday.

The academy, named after the famed Lebanese-American Christian poet who promoted peace, would be one of a few nationwide that incorporate the Arabic language and culture.

It has had a rocky path to its planned opening. Initially supposed to share space with an elementary school, the academy was shut out after parents complained that there wasn't enough space. City officials chose another host school, with middle and high school students, but parents there have raised similar concerns.

Meanwhile, a number of conservative Web sites, blogs and other publications have come out against the school. Some have questioned Almontaser's character and tried to paint her as a radical Muslim with a dangerous agenda.

She has said the school will teach culture, not religion.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on his radio show that Almontaser is "certainly not a terrorist" but called her resignation the "right thing to do."

Still, Almontaser's departure appeared unlikely to end opposition to the school.

"The fact that she is gone doesn't mean anything at all. All the people behind her are still there," said Hope Winters, a Manhattan mother and member of a group that brought the "Intifada NYC" T-shirts to public attention.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2007-08-10 19:09:50
Hey ...fuck you ToT. Fuck Islam...and fuck Mohammad, Allah, et al.

Here is a good read:

Islam is an evil religion. Don't be duped into the acceptance argument spewed by liberal or conservative political correctness fuckos. There is no 'moderate' in being a muslim asswipe.

Down with Islam. If I had a quran, I'd wipe my ass with the pages one at a time.
You can disagree all you want. I want to know what you mean by "Move below the Mason-Dixon"?

Billy's in TX, now. isnt that considered to be below the Mason-Dixon line?

regardless, the intent was clear. ToT is one of these pompous morons that actually thinks he gains 'cool points' by dragging out the tired old stereotype of everybody from the South being as ignorant and bigoted as he obviously is, as proven by his use of that stereotype.
Billy's in TX, now. isnt that considered to be below the Mason-Dixon line?

regardless, the intent was clear. ToT is one of these pompous morons that actually thinks he gains 'cool points' by dragging out the tired old stereotype of everybody from the South being as ignorant and bigoted as he obviously is, as proven by his use of that stereotype.

But it's true in your case Fundie, so he gets one point for that.... In case your wondering: Jesus, in fact, doesn't love you. It really just was a one-night stand.
So, the TOT believes that anyone below the MDL is an idiot? That is an outstanding way to make enemies with almost 1/2 of the country.

ZZZ, why do you attack every post of Sue's? Disagree fine, but why the attacks out of fuckin' left field?
"Death to Muslims-DEath to ALLAH"

You're a case man.
Move below the Mason-Dixon.

When your done being a viking running around in your viking camero or whatever you drive then put the sword down and pray that someone i n your neighborhood will protect your punk bitch viking life when th emuzzies get wild in the street like in paris. I on the other hand will count on my mossburg 9 shot pump pistol grip..

"I'd rather be a Redneck biggoted asshole with a shotgun then a coward liberal with a sword"
I was thinking about coming out with a brand of toilet can get the Quran, the Bible or the Torah.....whatever dumbness you want to wipe your ass with....:lol:

Id buy a roll for every religion, so as not to be biased with the wiping of ass in my house.
ZZZ, why do you attack every post of Sue's? Disagree fine, but why the attacks out of fuckin' left field? [/COLOR]

Perhaps because she is a self-righteous foolish ideologue who is not capable of debating without insulting someone. So, I figure I’d just act like a slightly more obnoxious version of her. I mean she is someone who’s said Democrats are the closet thing to the Nazi party this country has ever seen. (As opposed to I guess the actual Nazi party in this country in the 1930’s???) Anyone who says such repulsively idiotic and historically ignorant comments shouldn’t be taken seriously at all. She, in essence, is what’s wrong with this country: too many uneducated fools, too stupid to doubt for a second that everything they think must be true.

Per this thread, Islam is a silly religion, but I am not sure it is any sillier than pre-Reformation Christianity.
Perhaps because she is a self-righteous foolish ideologue who is not capable of debating without insulting someone. So, I figure I’d just act like a slightly more obnoxious version of her. I mean she is someone who’s said Democrats are the closet thing to the Nazi party this country has ever seen. (As opposed to I guess the actual Nazi party in this country in the 1930’s???) Anyone who says such repulsively idiotic and historically ignorant comments shouldn’t be taken seriously at all. She, in essence, is what’s wrong with this country: too many uneducated fools, too stupid to doubt for a second that everything they think must be true.

Per this thread, Islam is a silly religion, but I am not sure it is any sillier than pre-Reformation Christianity.

I am not going to defend Sue, she can do that. I mentioned it because it seemed to come out of left field and still seems that way. In regards to your point on Christianity vs the Muslim religion. I know little about Christ and less about Muslims. What I do know is that it is radical Muslims who are traveling the world, killing people. Pre 911, my only exposure to Muslims:Spam: was when I watched the converts on that HBO show OZ. That is here nor there though. If it had been Anton LeVay :Smokedev: and not Bin Laden who put together the attacks on America. My view of Satanism would parallel my view of Radical Muslims. The point I am trying to make is that I don't dislike radical Muslims because I am a Christian:worship: . I hate them because I am an American.
I am not going to defend Sue, she can do that. I mentioned it because it seemed to come out of left field and still seems that way. In regards to your point on Christianity vs the Muslim religion. I know little about Christ and less about Muslims. What I do know is that it is radical Muslims who are traveling the world, killing people. Pre 911, my only exposure to Muslims:Spam: was when I watched the converts on that HBO show OZ. That is here nor there though. If it had been Anton LeVay :Smokedev: and not Bin Laden who put together the attacks on America. My view of Satanism would parallel my view of Radical Muslims. The point I am trying to make is that I don't dislike radical Muslims because I am a Christian:worship: . I hate them because I am an American.

You don't have to defend your hatered of Radical Islam to me. I agree it's a huge danger to the world, not just America. But people like Sue would hate Islam anyway because it conflicts with their nutty Christian beliefs. Making this into Christian vs Islam thing is stupid. It seems far more about a fascist version of Islam vs the democratic world.
You don't have to defend your hatered of Radical Islam to me. I agree it's a huge danger to the world, not just America. But people like Sue would hate Islam anyway because it conflicts with their nutty Christian beliefs. Making this into Christian vs Islam thing is stupid. It seems far more about a fascist version of Islam vs the democratic world.

wipe the drool off your chin, moron.
you assume to know a lot about me when you know absolutely nothing. that 'like Sue' tag is a sign of your complete ignorance and own bigotry. you've never had a single, in-depth, one-on-one conversation with me, so i dare say, all you know is that i'm opposed to Islam. that's it.

you're another one of those posters that come here and say absolutely NOTHING regarding the thread. you just gravitate straight to me and start with the hamfisted insults.
the last cockeyed product of poor breeding that did that was a friend of Billy's ex, out to spy on me. he was following me, using different screen names, to other boards i frequent as well. it was creepy, to tell the truth, that somebody that only has to deal with me over the internet would become so obsessed that he'd follow me around just to bash me on internet bulletin boards.

so, here's my assessment: either you're Billy's ex undercover or you're another one of her equally mentally/emotionally warped pals acting like her puppet.

dont bother to respond to this, as i already know anything you say will be both stupid and a lie.

so, here's my assessment: either you're Billy's ex undercover or you're another one of her equally mentally/emotionally warped pals acting like her puppet.

dont bother to respond to this, as i already know anything you say will be both stupid and a lie.

What in the holy hell are you talking about? :erk: :erk: Now, I know why I don't want to have a discussion with're a delusional paranoid person... sorry, but I don't know Billy, his ex, or anybody fucking
What in the holy hell are you talking about? :erk: :erk: Now, I know why I don't want to have a discussion with're a delusional paranoid person... sorry, but I don't know Billy, his ex, or anybody fucking

She's simply saying that you seem like an internet stalker...why not just play nice?

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know..."not for the easily offended". Just a touch of chivalry.