

Apr 13, 2001
Mayfield, NSW, Australia
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A question: - has anyone read any Terry Pratchett - Discworld novels?? (very funny books)

I've been listening to DUNGEON - Ressurection
(bloody great albulm - only one I have. Sorry lord tim. I bought it off you at the iron duke gig with Nevemore, you guys blew me away, I had to have an albulm!!!):D

anyway... every time I listen to "I Am Death" , it reminds of one of the characters in the discworld novels - DEATH.
He is everywhere in everything he is DEATH... with a great sence of humour!!!!!

Thanx, dude! :)

Rederrection is the only one we have out that you can get so you're doing OK with your Dungeon collection! HAHA!

Death is such a cheesy but fun song to play! We've actually gotten quite a bagging for that one by people who thought we were really serious... All we wanted to do was have a song where people could yell "death" all the time! HAHAHAHA!

I'll have to check out the Discworld novels sometime...

They're good books, I enjoy them, quite humourous. Nowhere near as funny as "Lord Iffy.." though.

DEATH is first introduced in the first of the series (there's something like 27 books in the series, or some rediculous number like that) called
- The Colour of Magic.

but, he is the feature character in:
- Soul Music (which I havn't read yet)
- Mort (DEATH takes on an apprentise, while he has a holiday)
- Reaper Man (DEATH gets the sack, and starts working on a farm cutting corn in the fields. Because of his scythe expertise)
- Hogfather (The Hogfather (santa) has gone missing, so DEATH decides to do the job)

there's probably more, but I really don't read much and I havn't got around to getting anymore yet... I'm turning into a book worm.....NNNNNOOOOOOoooooo!!!

heheheheh:p :D
You got to play with nevermore Tim?????
Oh. My. God.

They toured here in support for Dreaming Neon Black....and guess who got into them after that? Thats right ME, i missed out!
I hope they tour here again. Did you get to meet them and everything tim?
Oh gees, look at me, i sound like some kind of damn fanboy now :)

That would have been a GREAT show, i would have seen nevermore and finally seen dungeon, who i still havent seen :)
From what I've read, Death gets at least a mention in all of them.

But now I've read the posts again, Merlyn was talking about main characters.

So I'll be going.

And by the way, "I Am Death" didn't remind of the Discworld, but I'm sure it will from now on.
Originally posted by spawn
You got to play with nevermore Tim?????
Oh. My. God.

Yeah! And shit, couldn't those guys DRINK!!! The first thing they did when they got to the the venue was go to the bar and say "Hi, we're a band from America - can we have some free beer?" HAHAHAHAHAHA! I've so gotta try that one day!

They still owe me $20 for using my quad on-stage too! Hey, I would have let them use it for nothing but they offered....! :D

Nice guys! We had about 200 or so when we played with them the first night, then they played again the next night and got about 100 with Psi.Kore and then the 3rd night they played with Abortus and got about 30 people! 30 PEOPLE!! This is Nevermore!! The Sydney scene can be really harsh sometimes...!
30 people?? gees, thats pretty bad, but then i guess hardly anyone would have heard of them back then (not that that would have changed too much now i guess, but it would at least be 31 now :) )

200 sounds a lot healthier! But then Dungeon and Psikore have pretty big followings (including myself, but i want new albums for both bands SOON dammit! haha!) I dont know about abortus, but it sounds like they are a death metal band judging by the name, and death metal doesnt have too big of a following in oz, from what i can tell anyway, a guy yelling like the cookie monster and a drummer going at it like a fraggle doesnt really do much for me :)

I think they can afford to pay you back now, dead heart has sold 50000 copies and thats only in germany, so they must be doing alright now :)
Originally posted by spawn
I dont know about abortus, but it sounds like they are a death metal band judging by the name, and death metal doesnt have too big of a following in oz, from what i can tell anyway, a guy yelling like the cookie monster and a drummer going at it like a fraggle doesnt really do much for me :)

HAHAHA! Yeah, Abortus are death metal. Nice guys but I hate to say that they're really not that popular.

Originally posted by MERLYN
everytime I hear the lyrics "you'll see my toothy grin" I have a little smile 'coz he's got no choice!!

HAHAHA! One happy dead dude! :)

When Juz was still playing bass for us, we used to change lyrics around to fuck the other guy up on stage all the time... Death became Jeff/Deaf/Duh or we'd do the "Death-death-death" bit in falsetto! HAHA! The last verse ended up as "They call me the reaper / I am the man in pink / When you give your life to me / Gee, you'll really stink!" HAHA! Lame, but effective - cracked us up every time! :)

I was listening to Nevermore last night, thinking how I was aware of them when they toured, but didn't know them, so didn't go. That'd be cos I'm a fuckwit.

If they toured now they'd get a lot more people. People like me. If a band like that toured now (one I didn't know) I'd go anyway just to check them out.
I didnt even go and I didnt even KNOW about them. Ignorance is bliss Spawny you stupid stupid bastard :mad: