Greetings from Washington USA!


New Metal Member
Aug 8, 2017
Seattle, WA
Hello all. My name is Gabriel Miller-Brown, but I go by Gabe. I am 25 years old and a huge fan of Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Slamming BDM, Grindcore, Power Metal, Thrash, and old school Heavy Metal. I've been a metal head since I was 15-16 starting with bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Slayer, and a few others. The first Death Metal I ever heard was Dismember, and it fucking blew my goddamn mind, and I have never been the same since. Since then I've grown to truly love Death Metal and similar sub-genres the most. Believe it or not I even enjoy some, very little amount, but some Deathcore, and that is mostly because of what I listened to when I was a teenager and first getting deeper into metal music where I discovered early Whitechapel, Job For A Cowboy and Carnifex. If I had to do a top ten favorite bands off the top of my head, and in no particular order, it may look something like this:
1. King Diamond
2. Job For A Cowboy
3. Death
4. Obituary
5. Autopsy
6. Amputated
7. Visceral Disgorge
8. Nine Inch Nails
9. Carnifex
10. Aborted
I live in Seattle in Washington in the United States of America. I work at a Fred Meyer department store, and it's not quite as bad as you might think. Other than Metal I am a huge fan of Comic Books, particularly DC comics, as well as reading and movies. I love horror movies and books as well as sci-fi/fantasy. I like video Games as well. I have an X Box One, my gamertag is PvtHudson206, and I play a very wide variety of games.
I like discussing fellow interests, and making new friends/acquaintance's. If anyone else has an X Box, and wants to play something fell free to message my profile, or my gamertag. I don't play many games on the PC, but have considered downloading Steam before. As far as books go, I love Star Wars novels, novelizations in the Aliens/Predator universe as well as Resident Evil universe. I enjoy horror novels the most though. Some of my favorite horror writers are Clive Barker, Stephen King, Jack Ketchum, Brian Keene, Brett Easton Ellis and others.
As I said I enjoy movie quite a lot as well. Some of my favorite directors are David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, John Carpenter, Wes Craven, Eli Roth, Rob Zombie and others. A Nightmare on Elm Street is probably my favorite horror franchise. I have loved those movies and Freddy Kruger since I was 12 or 13.
I very much enjoy comics. I read comic books as well as watch the various movies and television series. DC comics is by far my favorite, but I do not pick one and hate on the rest so I enjoy Marvel and others. Batman and Aquaman are my favorite DC characters.
I look forward to getting into this community. It has been a while since I bothered with any online forum, but I decided it was time to check one out, and this just happened to be the first one I found.
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