'Deathcore' Band mix - SSD3.5/PodX3

really like the snare ! slate 12a?

vocals are very low. maybe the whole thing is a little too bass heavy.
i'm not on my opals though, only listening through consumer crappy 20$ 2.1 speakers ;-)
yeah same haha ive got crap speakers at my flat... i cant remember its the one on the cracky kit might be 12a!

i just can't get the bass to sit but i think its cause i was LP-ing at 120ishHZ when i should really be doing it about 300 hmm..

i'm not a huge fan of the song but i'd really like ryan or someone to give me some feedback on this shit cuz this is his territory
Guitars have a super honk-like quality to them. The tonality and grind in the mids is pretty cool but it has a very static, digital POD-like sound to it.

That's to be expected, though! =D

If you took DI's (I hope you did) try using 8505 or something! Or even better, hire someone to reamp for you!
i really am considering getting re-amps up until i get my axefx.. ill try lowering the guitars a bit. Problem is with chun you really cant escape that static pod sound because palm mutes NEVER sound right they just sound mushed with no nice round low end at all. What do you guys think about the vocals(only screams)? I recorded them with an SM57 into my pod haha
telling me that something is too loud/too quiet is all fair and understand. But giving suggestions on how to fix it might actually be productive?:rolleyes::p

well, If the bass is loud, the easiest way to fix it is lowering the fader. If it's boomy you can back off on any low end boosts or compress the lowend a bit, also changing the frequency range of the lowend (if it's based on 120hz or so welcome to boom central).

I don't know how has it been mixed but there's something weird going on in the lowend ;)
I'll give it a try man, my mixing stuff is back at my house so i'll go there on wednesday. So i should keep enough low mid in the bass but scoop out the high mid to allow the guitars to cut through?
yeah same haha ive got crap speakers at my flat... i cant remember its the one on the cracky kit might be 12a!

the cracky kit has snare 10...

back to the song... it sounds pretty good, except the bass is super boomy and then fades out in some parts. prob if you're using a limiter or the bass is clipping the master.
I'd try an eq band at 120hz (bell shaped) or something like that and start lowering until it sounds good in good reference monitors
im using tannoy 6D's....mayb its down to my room conditions/placement although i have recently adjusted them to accommodate some bass trapping etc.

Do i want any low mid at all on the low passed d.i track? i.e 300Hz or should it not go beyond the 150Hz range?