Deathcore Demo style mix (real amp, real drum, real band ;P )


Feb 9, 2010

First time mixing a metal band.
Note, the band record this song only because they search for a bassist and they want to show how they sound, so its even not a demo. Bass, guit and vox was tracked in one night. So it could be more tight but for what the band wanted it is ok.

Still missing some automation on guit, bass, vox and back vox.

and, is the intro too long ?

Tell me what yout think or if you have anysuggestion let me know. TEST MIX3.mp3

yep, the intro is way to long. and you should really put something to fill that gap from the intro sounds very awkward. and do i hear tse x30?
well, not bad but theres not enough beef in your guitars, not enough smack and decay in your snare. vocals are a little loud too and under compressed. there could be something cool in the intro if you played around with it. you could leave it that long if you made it interesting. around 2:50, snare is overall unrealistic, make that fill more dynamic and only let it get that loud at the end, also it covers the vocals.
Thanks for the tips i'll check what I can do with the intro.

I don't know how to give more smack to the snare it's already parallel compress...If you have some tips to share let know. I understand your point about the snare.

Thanks for your comment i'll work on the mix again and post it again :)
add some 8 k, nice bell boost.use an expander to cut some body of the snare off, use a little less compression. more room verb, less bottom snare or whatever that is i hear on the fills. cut with a narrow band around 450.