Deathcore production - 6505+ orange cab


New Metal Member
Mar 16, 2010
So , this is a production I am doing for a deathcore band. Guitars low tuned , recorded with a 6505 peavey and an Orange Cab. Miced with sennheiser e609 and Rode Nt1a. Vocals also recorded with Rode Nt1a. Bass written with the Sansamp Bass DI. Drums are addictive drums, with replaced snare/kick from Slate Samples.(I prefer the interface more than slates). This is my first metal production so Id love to hear some criticism.Any changes etc. This is not the final mix so suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance.

Heres the link.
I took the time to download it, and it's extremely nice.

But, nice time use Dropbox. :)
mix is pumping at parts, vocals are a tad too loud and the playing is pretty of messy. Those arent really bad things, but just things to keep in mind. Sounds really good though