Deathklok Metalocalypse

I just looked it up. Yeah it is. Tinky Winky's full name is actually Tinky Winky Inserted In Mouth. That's how people found out he was gay. They also saw him shop at Victoria's Secret, Gary's Shoes And Accessories For Today's Woman (although he never returned because Al made fun of his weight, and that he's a he) and wear assless chaps.
But the funniest thing is Pee Wee's Playhouse. That show was so screwed up. But how could anyone be surprised. This is the host...

On one episode, he tried to see this woman...
naked. It shows that he also has bad taste in women.
Metal head87 said:
I just looked it up. Yeah it is. Tinky Winky's full name is actually Tinky Winky Inserted In Mouth. That's how people found out he was gay. They also saw him shop at Victoria's Secret, Gary's Shoes And Accessories For Today's Woman (although he never returned because Al made fun of his weight, and that he's a he) and wear assless chaps.
haha lol :lol:
That sun scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it! It looked like a baby was trapped in there!
Barney is a bisexual pedophile. He disappears when their parents come, but when they come back, he takes them to a place where they cannot escape. Ever wonder why they sing that annoying song at the end? They really mean "I make love to you, you make love to me, we will start a big fat family".

By the way, when I was like 11, I played this game called Barney Carnage. They have a bunch of Barney's running around on the screen and you have to kill him with one out of 3 weapons (a sub-machine gun, a knife or electricity).

what the hell is happening to MJ?!?

I used to like his music...

but now...


you know of the charges he faced?

do you think he actually sexually assaulted those kids at his "Neverland Ranch"?
The guy has an amusement park in his house, he has kids ther unspervised, he gives them alcohol, he sleeps in the same bed with them, I'd be more surprised if he didn't do that stuff.