deathstrike/495 bowing out

I understand Willow..although it's not cool to see ya leave.
Ah know where to find me! ;)
Stay heavy!

deathstrike from hell said:
pehaps when things calm down, we'll be back. but the insults were getting pretty deep, even will's girlfriend was attacked at a tme. total cowardice.theres a lot of cool people in this forum, and i wanna keep in contact with you. just as of now me and will both agree that we arent liking much of anything in here right now. wendy was informed about our departure, and the reasons. hopefully, i run into some of you at nevermore shows sometime. its nothing against any of you, and we arent trying to be "pussies" or "gay", were just sick of it. this thread is the absolute last one ill be writing in. and for the unregistred genderbender, we both have lifes outside aol, so gargle draino while eating a sars sandwich.

Are you guys married????? You both have lives outside of Aol???? Who the fuck are you kidding?

I know for a FACT that you and your little testicle lapping albino friend will be back real soon..

See ya then,
with love and nipples and corn and spice and hummus and splean juice and rice and some pudding and then you add a little rum with a touch of pine nuts, sprinkled with sugar then left to marinate for a few hours then add a dab of eyelids with just a snippet of fly underwear.