Dec 11th Reseda - Great Show!

The Vit

Dec 12, 2004
San Fernando Valley, CA
After hearing so many good things about the Maidens I finally had a chance to see them last night. I thoroughly enjoyed the show! With loads of talent, stage presence, special effects, great looking babes, and a diverse play list including several songs not frequently played by the Maiden boys - the Maidens' are a top notch metal experience. Bruce and the boys would be proud - and I can't say that for other Maiden tribute bands (and other bands) I've seen (it can get ugly out there). I'll definitely want to see the Maidens again. If I ever get married, now I know who'll I'll hire. ha ha! (Now there's a visual)

Lastly - I like to suggest something to the Maidens. The 20th year anniversary of the legendary four sold out shows in Long Beach is coming up in March. While acknowledging that Maiden is still going very strong, I'd still say that selling out LB arena without much if any media support for four nights was a high water mark for Maiden and for metal in SoCal. :rock: So I'm wondering if the Maidens would consider some type of special show(s) commemorating the Powerslave Long Beach concerts. Maybe a gig in Long Beach? Play the Powerslave set list? Whatever works for the Maidens! Just thought I'd toss that out there. Cheers.
:worship: Many many many thanks to everybody who came to Paladino's Saturday for our Holiday party! What a GREAT crowd!!!! :rock: What a fun night and an amazing vibe going on! A huge thanks to our help that night and everyone involved with setting up all the decorations to deck them halls of that club! Felt like the Disneyland Electric parade on that stage! :tickled: A really big thank you goes to our manager, Mark Dawson, without whom any of this would be the same, and to Chris, Bill, Nav and RJ, the Paladino's crew....the list goes on.. And of course an enormous thanks goes to Michael Kenney for blessing us with his presence and playing The Clairvoyant, Fear of The Dark and Moonchild with us that night! Damn, that was FUN!!!!! He's a great guy! Happiest Holidays to everybody! :Spin:

We'll see ya in 2005!
Thanks everyone for making this such a memorable night. The girls were on fire and with the added fuel of Michael Kenney (you rule!!!) , it was truly a special evening. I want to echo Linda in thanking our manager Mark and the rest of our crew.

I'd also like to say thanks to the boys of Lights Out - tribute to UFO (great set, guys!) and to all the bands that played that night.

The best of the holiday season to everyone, we're looking forward to a great 2005!!
Great show, as usual, although I missed the first couple of (Di'Anno-era) songs because of a family holiday dinner :P My girlfriend was tossed a cute elephant plush doll (thanks Linda). :) Aja's vocals sounded even stronger than last time at Paladino's. And the band always sounds tight. Here's the set list:

MOONCHILD (all three above with Michael on keyboard)
Jeff Milne said:
Too bad Powerslave was completely ignored last night.
It's very difficult to decide which songs to play and which not to play without going for a 3 hour set. :loco: Sorry Jeff, but don't worry.....we are rotating songs out as best we can! ;) Hope you enjoyed the night anyway. :rock:
Absolutely great concert! Hearing new songs is always very cool, but when I heard Moonchild kickoff, I thought, holy fuck, this is the real shit! It sounded exactly like the real thing (because it is!). Hats off to ya Michael Kinney, that was great! :rock:

Very cool to see Aja pull up the guitar and do the intro to Moonchild too!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
It's very difficult to decide which songs to play and which not to play without going for a 3 hour set. :loco: Sorry Jeff, but don't worry.....we are rotating songs out as best we can! ;) Hope you enjoyed the night anyway. :rock:
Please do a 3 hour set!
Of course, I enjoyed it anyway.
The genuine article also ignored Powerslave on their last tour.
Maybe next time you could go extra heavy on Powerslave. I think I've only heard you play Aces High once in the "Aja era" and I don't think I've heard 2 Minutes to Midnight or the title track from the current lineup.
Thanks for the show feedback everyone! It was great to see you up front, Red Shirt! You had the prime spot to hear Michael, that's for sure! Wasn't FOD just gorgeous with that beautiful oboe part he played? It really set the mood beautifully.

I'm glad you made it out, Raveballs! I was wondering if the family thing would keep ya away. But I didn't see ya - so missed the opportunity to say hello to your GF - :wave: Too bad you missed the Di'Anno era stuff. I know what a fan you are of that period. It was cool having the girls open with Ides of March, the crowd was really into it. George the soundman at Paladino's has been wonderful and worked very hard at really getting my vocals dialed in. Good sound makes singing soooo much easier! Thanks, George, wherever you are! You rule! :rock:

No worries Jeff, Powerslave is definitely on the agenda - You know what they say - good things come to those who wait! ;) If only there were 44 hours in a day!!! Then I could spend 20 of 'em just learning Maiden!!!! But it still wouldn't be enough, I'd wager! :grin: The sheer volume of music they have is just mindboggling!!! :goggly:

And thanks for making it out, Vit. You picked a special night for your "Maidens'' voyage!!!
aww, shucks, was fun. thanks for having me. :-)
redshirt, i take it from aja's bit that you were the red shirt in front of me. hell, you probably heard me better from my monitor than i did. i must admit, i felt the same way (about's been 16 years since we did it. and btw, when i first played it with the girls in rehearsal- i don't know how much they had rehearsed it previously- but when we did it for the first time, i don't reckon the lads would have been any more on it, y'knowwhadimean? these girls are good. and not even for girls! lol ;-) i enjoyed that.
jeff, when i think of a set list, i never take into consideration what album something is on. to be honest, i don't remember most of the time...not that i have anything to do with set lists. ;-)
i know i told some people, but i actually played stuff at paladino's that i never do with maiden. normally, fear of the dark for me is to do the oboe bit, sneak back where bruce can't see me, have a fag (cig), and go back and take it out, lol. the girls wanted to give you a show, so i actually learned fod for the first time, and played organ thru it (they all went to linda and mark's after sound check...i stayed behind to learn it ;-). moonchild had more than original, also. i couldn't think of what to do with clairvoyant. i probably play on 35% of it, but the rest doesn't need it. why put it in?
again, it was fun. and i'll even announce, if we want to do it again, why not? i'm unemployed at the moment, and directly suited for the job...;-). (maybe learn sign of the cross, dance of death...?)(blood brothers, paschendale!??) (sorry, girls, hehe.)
btw, i'm flying to chicago tomorrow to play with happenin' harry and his all-star haptones- members of wasp, the murderdolls, type o neg, disturbed... i hear charlie benante from anthrax (one of my favorite drummers- he's so f**kin good!) will be there... friday at penny lane pub in barrington, sat at the nite cap lounge. if anyone is in the area, come by, please! and then we return to the cat club (LA) on sunday. come laugh at the zombies. ;-) i usually play (gtr/vocals) with harry on sundays at the cc, wednesdays at the joint (pico and robertson). check us out. it's always fun, and some interesting guests (not that the house band sux ;-) generally classic hard rock...
must pack and get ready to go...thanx again to all. it was a fun time. :-)
Thanks for letting us know about your upcoming performances, Michael. I sure don't envy your going to Chicago this time of year though!!!! I'll bet it's gonna be freezing!!!! Don't forget your long johns!! :loco:

Wish I could catch you on upcoming local shows, but am shopping, packing, and wrapping cuz I leave on Mon for 2 weeks in Las Vegas with Bruce Conte. Xmas in Vegas - sacrilege!!! lol! AND for my birthday :cry: Well, at least there are plenty of lights so no need for decorating, it's been done!

Please keep us posted for future shows - when I get back I'm gonna come check you out. It'll be great to see ya play guitar, you talented multi-instrumentalist you!

Thanks for the kind words, coming from you 'tis high praise indeed. :blush:
Ah geee.....Michael you're twisting our arms here....hehehe. ;) We just may have to take you up on that! Woohooo!!! Thanks again. That was a lot of fun. Lights Out was cool too! Nice guys as well! :rock:
Well Mr. Kenney, you're just going to have to tour a little with the Maidens so that the rest of us have the honor to see you play with the ladies!! Okay, okay, I thought I'd try! :grin: Hopefully, you ladies will do Wasted Years at the next show I go to. But no matter what your setlist is, it's always a good selection! :kickass: :rock: