Decapitated poster

Dr Psyklonic

son of the morning
Jan 19, 2004
NW England
i was just wondering, how do we know if, those of us who've pre-ordered 'The Negation' whether or not we're going to be one of the 75 with one of the signed posters?

or is the fact that i've heard nothing kind of say it all? :yell:
Dr Psyklonic said:
if i knew enough about the venue, i'd be hanging round all the right places at the Bierkeller on the 24th to hopefully meet them.... but i dont
decapitated are genuinely in the audience alot.Ive seen them 4 times now,and at each gig ive met at least 2-3 of the members.I got my winds... cd singed by all four members when i saw them at the underworld about a year and a half ago.So im sure you will meet them.

Anyway,i ordered my copy of The Negation on the day it was avalible to pre-order,so i better get mine.
looks like is being updated,hopefully they will put up a board.
blackseedofvengeance said:
Ya bastard. I'm gonna have to wait til Monday. Stupid fucking postal service.
Oh, did you used to go to the Kerrang! Death/Black Metal boards? I recgonise the name.

yeah i post on there now and again

the new album is ace love the deicide cover too
Ah cool. Thought I recognised you :)
I remember seeing you on the Slayer thread sometimes.
Anyway, got "The Negation" in the post today (at fecking last). Not as good as Winds of Creation but man it still slays, in my opinion. Got a free poster too which made my day as well. But yeah, great album but they're still missing some of the freshness they had with WoC.
blackseedofvengeance said:
Ah cool. Thought I recognised you :)
I remember seeing you on the Slayer thread sometimes.
Anyway, got "The Negation" in the post today (at fecking last). Not as good as Winds of Creation but man it still slays, in my opinion. Got a free poster too which made my day as well. But yeah, great album but they're still missing some of the freshness they had with WoC.

i agree with you to a certain extent, but the thing is, if they'd done a Winds Of Creation Part Two, they'd have been slated for taking the easy way out; plus i've seen each release as a further development of their sound... especially if you listen to The First Damned. Admittedly, Winds Of Creation is still my favourite Decapitated album, but The Negation still slays IMO.

As they say, a riff a day helps you work, rest and slay... and boy is there more than a few :headbang:riffs on here :)
more solos?

there's a shitload more solos on The Negation than there was on Nihility easily. Sometimes a few TOO many solos for my liking ('Three Dimensional Defect').

Plus i think i was being a bit of Decapitated groupie when i wrote that last reply so...

it's not shit, it's just the next step in their evolution..... if sounding like a Napalm Death/Dying Fetus/ Morbid Angel hybrid is what their fate is.
Heh. Ok I retract my last point. I shouldn't try to post stuff when I'm tired (i.e. I shouldn't be allowed ever). Well there are like really fast solos, but they don't last long. Don't ask for song names cos I haven't bothered to look at the inside booklet yet. Just been bouncing around to the music. Take back all I said about the solos though. I've now decided I've got little negative to say about "The Negation".
Your point about them sounding like MA, DF and ND is true as there were a few riffs that caused me to stop and wonder if an Morbid Angel CD had suddenly jumped into the CD player. Heh. I know it wouldn't happen (well done Captain Obvious) but you know what I mean.
yeah i know what you mean... mainly due to this being the most intelligent discussion ive had on here that hasn't reverted to either "you have nothing intelligent to back that up with" or a random assortion of swearwords. heh.
Dr Psyklonic said:
if i knew enough about the venue, i'd be hanging round all the right places at the Bierkeller on the 24th to hopefully meet them.... but i dont

I'm geussing you weren't there last year then.

Well the Bier Keller is a VERY small place, no back stage... Decapitated and the other bands will just be wondering about or in the tour bus. It's garaunteed you'll get to meet them and get shit signed etc.!
I got my Nihiliy Vinyl signed by all the guys last time round :)
Didn't get to speak to Martin much though, I asked Vogg where he was all night and in his best English, i think he said he was toking up in the bus haha

Damn, i love the bier keller, no security.. extremely small, loud, stage about a foot high haha! 3 DAYS!
I pre-ordered both the new Decapitated and Deicide albums when they first went on the webstore and I didn't recieve a signed poster from either :( I even asked politely in the guidelines box to be sent one :(

Awh well, both albums are extremely amazing so kind of make up for it :D