

German Asshole
Feb 24, 2007
Kelowna,B.C. Canada
Ok well, I really need some help here.
I love the Decapitated rhythm stuff, it is incredible. but i am wondering how he plays with such clarity and all that...etc.

i.e., tone, gain level, pickup, eq etc etc etc.
any help? i need to find a perfect rhythm sound.
Vogg uses emg's and has a ridiculous picking hand and killer vibrato which i really key to his clarity and awesome sound. I also understand that he doesn't really own a head and EVERY time I have seen them he has used different amps. (5150, Krank, Boogie, Line 6 etc..) He also only uses a dd-3 live for solos. The rest is just him and his guitar. Any sort of high gain head will get you in the area. The rest is all in the wrist haha.
I assisted him, his hand technique is just amiazing, that´s the secret, no gear, no settings, no nothing, he and his guitar (which is noisy as hell, but he seems to handle very well), he only use Delay for solos.
Yeah when I first started playing and listening to metal and shit I thought, "Tone all in the fingers???? Bullshit!" But then seeing Decapitated , Vogg truly is the BEST example I can think of in extreme music that is a stellar example of your hands making the ill sound not the gear.
You know, I just started listening to these guys - the fact that many people called them "tech-death" turned me off, cuz I thought it was gonna be annoyingly cerebral/heavy and not very enjoyable to listen to (like early Hate Eternal or Gorguts, for example), but FUCK, these guys can write some incredible grooves and riffs! Talk about headbang-city
i don't know if its true..

but i got told that all Vogg does live is uses other peoples amps, lol..

i was looking on youtube and each live video hes got a different amp head
He's Vader's touring guitarist now. Decapitated are on a hiatus until covan gets better and even after that they've to find a worthy drummer and a bassist. Vogg was pretty much the only active member left after the crash, Didn't martin the bassist leave the band before the tour?
His tone is quite frankly ridiculous- he's so clear and defined in everything, on all their recordings and pulls it off just as well live. Insane...