Decent 1x12 Krankenstein sample

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
I got a real bitchy upstairs neighbor a few months back who just can't handle the metal. It's been a real problem for my projects because she's always home so I can't crank my half stack. So I accidentally stumbled upon an alternate solution.

I built a huge 1x12 not too long ago. Way oversized so when it's loud, it get's way too bassy for recording (my first cab, gimme a break, I didn't know what I was doing, I thought the extra bass would help at low volumes). Anyway, I don't know how I figured this out, but it seemed to work real well. I had the Krankenstein going into my 4x12 as well as the 1x12. The 57 was close to the cone of the 1x12, about an inch off center. The catch is that somehow I had it at a pretty low volume (volume was around 6 but the master was only at 1!) and still got decent tone. The 4x12 drew enough power from the amp to get a 4x12 feel. I guess... Actually, I don't really know how the fuck this worked, but it did.

Check it out. This has a little bit of EQ: HP/LP as well as a slight mid cut and a slight sharp boost around 6k for some sizzle that seemed to work for the mix.

Ya so, until that bitch upstairs moves out I guess I'm stuck with this method.

sounds very nice to me! :headbang:

maybe needs slightly less lower-mids. have you tried the andy sneaps
Waves C4 Method? maybe that helps.

do you have a whole mix with that sound?
Hmm, not bad man, but it's got some weirdness I can't quite put my finger on - first off, in the left channel I hear this strange noise that almost sounds like pick attack (as in, if I were sitting in the room with you while you played), and the tone is very cloudy, I would've guessed you were pretty off-axis with the mic but an inch off-center really isn't that much. Is the speaker front-mounted in the cab? And what speaker is it? Also, I hear some phaseyness in the upper frequencies that might be from that 6k boost (or is this quad-tracked? Cuz that might be it). I like the chunkiness and the playing though!
Yes this is a front mounted V30.

The level on one channel is higher in that sample, oops. Also, there are two kids on two separate guitars (not quad tracked). Other than that, everything is equal as far as I know. I just reamped their D.I.s, which they recorded on their own. The D.I.s were unacceptably noisy so that didn't help things, wayyyy too ghetto. Need to use a proper preamp next time.

Still, I'm effing happy that I could get these results quickly and in my own home. Getting a useable Krank tone for dual tracked work has been difficult. Of course, quad tracking the Krank with another amp seems much easier for some reason.

You are right, I think I need to reduce that boost and lower the low pass a bit. Too trebly.