I had some spare time today so I thought I'd play around with the JCA20H head and JCA12S 1x12 cab I got and do a quick reamp test with the infamous Rose of Sharyn DI's (thanks Jeff!)
Here's what I ended up with: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1809705/JCA20RoseOfSharyn2.mp3
The chain was TS -> JCA20H -> JCA12S -> Unidyne 57 -> Profire2626 -> Some EQ and compression. It's not the world's most amazing tone, but I'm pretty impressed what the tiny little amp and cab can do even at low volume!
Any thoughts?
EDIT: Link updated.
Here's what I ended up with: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1809705/JCA20RoseOfSharyn2.mp3
The chain was TS -> JCA20H -> JCA12S -> Unidyne 57 -> Profire2626 -> Some EQ and compression. It's not the world's most amazing tone, but I'm pretty impressed what the tiny little amp and cab can do even at low volume!
Any thoughts?

EDIT: Link updated.