Decided to try and get a band going again...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Haven't played in a band in close to 4 years now, getting fed up of recording bands, thought it would be fun to see if I could get something going.

I've never successfully started a band, always just joined other bands, and it's always been more metal stuff, so with my recent (read last 1.5-2 years) foray into hardcore and pretty much abandoning the metal stuff I've always loved, I thought maybe I could try and get something like this going for fun. Simple songs, fun riffs, just have a good time with it, instead of spending hours and hours calculating the perfect technical death metal song like I used to do in my youth. Fuck that I just want to play power chords and headbang!

Anyways, by random chance it turns out the guitarist in a band I'm working with has a fantastic voice for this stuff and he's never really done any vocals before, so I'm starting to get excited now that it's more than just me riffing in my basement now and then. I have my pick of the litter as far as guitarists/bassists goes in the area because everyone seems to like me and be stoked on the idea of playing with me, but finding a singer and drummer was going to be tougher, especially a drummer.

So anyways this is what we laid down today just for shits and giggles, with 2 other tracks in the works...
Dude. Call the project: "Pizza Party." That's what these riffs remind me of. That's a good thing by the way haha. I have a project with my buddy Ben that reminds me of this stuff. I love this kinda crap.
Haha thanks guys, I'm pretty pumped, hopefully I can keep it fun because the second I get too serious about it is when I won't be able to finish a song anymore, hate that. Should be a lot of fun to do live if it comes together, really excited for it.
Nice, I'm actually being dared to make a couple of screamo punk songs. This gives me some better ideas of what I want to do. Thanks for sharing.
This reminds me of the song False Idols Fall

Nice, I'm actually being dared to make a couple of screamo punk songs. This gives me some better ideas of what I want to do. Thanks for sharing.

Wut. The word you're looking for is hardcore.
Thanks dudes, really appreciate it!!

This reminds me of the song False Idols Fall

Hahaha, dude the CBK worship is by no means subtle, there's 3 riffs in this song and they are all probably already on Wake the Dead somewhere :lol:

Diggin' the hell out of the song, def. lots of comeback kid in there (maybe too much even, tehe)

The dude is phenomenal on vocals

Total CBK worship, haha... When I first half-assedly tried to get this project started last year I was advertising it on local boards specifically as a CBK worship band :lol: Hopefully as I continue to write more stuff it'll sort of develop it's own feel. Until then I'm certainly not gonna pretend I'm innovating ANYTHING :lol:

And thanks for the vox compliment, yeah the dude is perfect for this stuff, I was so pumped when I first heard his voice! He'll be super happy to hear that other people are digging it so I'll be sure to pass on the kind words.
Thumbs up for someone mentioning False Idols Fall, best CBK song ever <33333

Cool song man, loads of CBK but that's a great thing man! Really really really digging the vox too, keep working on this!

edit: holy shit that song is really false idols fall-ish haha