Deep Demonic Speaking Effect? - COF Queen of Winter, Throned


New Metal Member
Aug 16, 2013

I was wondering if anybody knew how to get the deep demonic spoken-word effect as used by Cradle of Filth on the VEmpire album? (The Queen of Winter Throned Intro "Even a man who is pure in heart" style one)

I am thinking they must have pitched shifted it downwards but not sure how and what they actually originally had before pitch-shifting down?

Any thoughts?

Yup. Someone who can do it convincingly and then pitch-shift. Experiment with how much. Pitch-shifting up and down by different amounts and blending behind the original works for an "evil" effect. Plus distortion, reverb, etc, etc yadda yadda. Go experiment!
I don't remember that sound, but from back of my head there was voice doing low air pressure voice.
For evil/ spooky FX try reverse reverb too.
Use a plugin that has both pitch and formant shifting. Play around with those parameters. The formant shifting can add a convincing bit of testosterone.
It's actually Dani Filth himself, or it seems so when you pitch shift the intro 4 semitones. Atleast it reminds me of his actual speaking voice - with fakeness added though. My input is that you'll need a decent mic, convincing voice (like stated above) and pitch shifting - add reverb to taste (your example has lots of it).
Try to make it deep and evil yourself (accent necessary) and then pitchshift a bit, IME shifting only a semitone or two is usually enough, more just sounds fake and lame, I think it's more about the sound that shifting gives to the voice instead of just the actual note changing. I could speak one semitone lower and it wouldn't sound as deep or evil as it does by pitchshifting it.
As other have said, the actual source material is very important. SO dig up a decent mic and a convincing actor. Other than that, you could experiment with having two layers in different pitches - Like the original take and one take pitch-shifted down a few semitones. This gives quite the creepy feeling. Reverse reverb is also very nice for the evil/possessed feeling.