Deep Freeze Show reviews or photos??


Sep 14, 2001
I didn't get to go, so hopefully someone out there got some photos or at least some reviews for me. Someone? Anyone?
It was pretty good and a lot of fun .. up until the totally fucked up part. I took a few pix but haven't gone through them yet (just got back home last night). Gimme another day or so.

But here's a preview of my review: "This is your brain on drugs."
sloppy said:
It was pretty good and a lot of fun .. up until the totally fucked up part. I took a few pix but haven't gone through them yet (just got back home last night). Gimme another day or so.

But here's a preview of my review: "This is your brain on drugs."
Should I even ask about the "Totally fucked up" part?
Half snockered I wrote some comments. see the Get well soon thread. they sounded awsome. harry belted out notes even with the flu or some bad cold, he was sick. It was great fun and in my opinion a wonderful show.
CauldronBorn said:
What was the set list???
Hey CauldronBorn,
the set list was:
Feast or Famine
License to Kill
Battle Zones
The Mission
Legion Immortal
Iron Eagle
Take to the sky
King at a Price

Later Chris.
Here's a JP-related blurb from my good friend, Guy Kendall.


As for Jag Panzer's set, I really enjoyed it as I always do. The new songs sounded great live. Unfortunately they had some problems, so it wasn't one of the better times I've seen them. First of all Harry had a cold, and apparently he even lost his voice the day before the show. To his credit, he made it through the set and still sounded pretty damn good. You could tell he voice was wearing out at the end, but they guy could still hit those high notes even with a cold. Impressive. The other bummer thing was that they apparently had trouble with their click track on the last song. They got part way through the song and it sounded like the click track kept jumping to the wrong place or something. They tried twice and had to just stop in the middle of the song, and then I think they just gave up on the click track and played it without it. I'm sure Mark can correct me on what really happened, but I think it was something like that.
I'm not going to write up a full review. It suffices to say that it was a fun night and even the problems with King At Any Price didn't really spoil the evening. It's a shame that Harry wasn't feeling well.

I've gone through my pictures. As expected, I wasn't too pleased with most of them -- I just don't have the knack for capturing what I see. And also, when a band that I like is on stage, I tend to concentrate on headbanging and singing along, rather than playing with electronic gizmos. ;-) Another factor is that I was right up front, which kept me from getting anything wide-angle enough to show the whole band. And in the few instances where I did take something semi-wide, the main feature turned out to be a security guard's face instead of the band. D'oh! But enough excuses...

Here are 3 pictures that may be of interest... (I guess I can put up some of the worse pictures later, if anyone really wants?)

My favorite pic of the whole night, Chris Broderick:


And this is pretty lame, but informative, so here's the setlist. ;-)

(BTW, those pictures won't stay on that server forever, so save 'em if you want 'em.)
Cool shots. You should post that one of Chris on his board too.


I like pictures. Any shots of the other guys?
How did you get a Camera in, They denied me. Lucky Mother. Lets see some more, please. It was a good time.