Deep Purple - "Rapture Of The Deep". First contact


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002

European version:

01. Money Talks
02. Wrong Man
03. Girls Like That
04. Rapture Of The Deep
05. Clearly Quite Absurd
06. Don't Let Go
07. Back To Back
08. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
09. MTV *
10. Junkyard Blues
11. Before Time Began
* Bonus track

Japanese version:

01. Money Talks
02. Girls Like That
03. Wrong Man
04. Rapture Of The Deep
05. Clearly Quite Absurd
06. Don't Let Go
07. Back To Back
08. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
09. Junkyard Blues
10. Before Time Began
11. Things I Never Said *
* Bonus track

October 21 Edel Records
well, all I hope is it won't be another miss like Abandon (poor album) & Bananas (sad old men music)... I still think those guys can do good music, maybe being fired from their major deal kicked their old asses and they'll return to the form of Purpendicular... but I kinda doubt it... :(
"Bananas" is their best album since "House Of Blue Light", way superior to "Purpendicular" and of course "Abandon" which was pretty lame.
T.I.E. said:
well, all I hope is it won't be another miss like Abandon (poor album) & Bananas (sad old men music)... I still think those guys can do good music, maybe being fired from their major deal kicked their old asses and they'll return to the form of Purpendicular... but I kinda doubt it... :(

Agreed. Another "Bananas" and I'll puke. I just find that record mostly unlistenable (although, oddly enough, I do like the tunes that most fans seem to hate: Haunted, the other mellow tunes).
To each its own, it's a free board after all. :Smug:

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