DEF LEPPARD on Dancing With The Stars


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Not sure if any of you saw this tonight.
DEF LEP totally lip synched their performance.

I find it absolutely pathetic that a band as long running as them can't play a song efficiently enough for live TV broadcast.

This sort of thing bothers me to no end.
Maybe the show demands all artists lip synch.
I am not sure.

Still though, I would expect the LEP to have at least one ounce of integrity..

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It's pretty standard for any band on a large, national television show. Maybe they were contractually bound by ABC to lip synch the performance.

I agree that it is totally pathetic, anyone that's heard the album knows that is straight off of the cd. But maybe it's not the band's fault.
Though, when bands play at the Super Bowl (for example), it is live.
Big artists playing live for a live broadcast is nothing new.
There is always a 10 second delay with live broadcasts.

Maybe the show commands 100% perfection and bands have to lip synch.

Sure, for Miley Cyrus, she was probably thrilled when she found out she could lip synch.
(assuming her performance was as well)

I would think DEF LEP would demand to play live.
Yup...and that's why I'll never go see Dragonforce live. If those "shredders" can't pull it off live, why disgrace to metal, IMO.

What I think is even funnier about these guys is that I've heard one of their songs is the extra bonus challenge in one of the Guitar Hero games. :lol:

"Hey kids! You guys try playing this, cuz the guitarists in the band sure can't!" :lol:
Not sure what you guys mean about DragonForce live.
Is there suspicion that they don't play their parts live?

I saw them once, and didn't suspect that anything was pre-recorded.
Dragonforce plays their parts live but they are BEYOND sloppy. It's one thing to change up the solos during a live set to get a dofferent feel (a la Janick Gers) but if you just flat out forget the song and play it off key is another.
I guess it comes down to sounding like one thing on the cd and something else on a live setting.
I remember seeing Dragonforce on G4's "Attack of the Show" and it was totally live. One of the guitar players tripped and fell over a monitor early in the song and completely threw his guitar out of tune. When he and the other guy were doing "harmony" leads later in the song, it was awful. I smiled...
Are you serious? Wow that's weak, I though Ozzy was the only one that had their parts pre-recorded while playing live.

You have never seen KISS live.

Well, to be fair, I am not sure if Peter Chris' drums were pre-recorded, but definitely triggered, as any video has shown he only hits the snare on time per 4/4 measure.
You have never seen KISS live.

Well, to be fair, I am not sure if Peter Chris' drums were pre-recorded, but definitely triggered, as any video has shown he only hits the snare on time per 4/4 measure.

I have not, but it's not very hard for me to believe that they do this too.
Dragonforce plays their parts live but they are BEYOND sloppy. It's one thing to change up the solos during a live set to get a dofferent feel (a la Janick Gers) but if you just flat out forget the song and play it off key is another.
I guess it comes down to sounding like one thing on the cd and something else on a live setting.

I remember seeing Dragonforce on G4's "Attack of the Show" and it was totally live. One of the guitar players tripped and fell over a monitor early in the song and completely threw his guitar out of tune. When he and the other guy were doing "harmony" leads later in the song, it was awful. I smiled...

Hence the Milli Vanilli shit most recently probably. I've never had the misfortune of seeing them, but I've heard from several reliable behind-the-scenes people that this is a fact.
I am not doubting you, but anyone who has a vendetta against a band can say anything. I really wouldnt be surprised by this, just that I hate when people say, my behind the scenes people. That is like saying "the Man" has you down. Who is this man? just curious.
I am not doubting you, but anyone who has a vendetta against a band can say anything. I really wouldnt be surprised by this, just that I hate when people say, my behind the scenes people. That is like saying "the Man" has you down. Who is this man? just curious.

Well, if it were just one person, I totally agree & would have my doubts...but it was several completely unrelated people who couldn't care less about DF other than it's sad they do it.

So think what you want...I certainly don't care...I wouldn't go see them even if they were playing for real. :p