definite Viking


Feb 13, 2003
Lubbock, Texas
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I do blelieve Bobby Knight, mens basketball coach at Texas Tech, is a Viking. Asside from many other reasons, if you have not already heard, just the other day Knight while eating at a restaunt/ grocery store just down the street from my house went ape shit throwing his sallad and attempting to choke the university chancellor over something he said. Knight had to be pulled out of there while he let loose a tirade of profanity, attempting several times to charge the chancellor before he got away. I'm proud to say that I live in a place where Knight, at the game last night, got a standing ovation for his beast-like Viking behavior.:hotjump:
Basketball is soooo ..... well kinda like baseball.
I would rather celebrate the 3rd period of the rugby match in a pub drinking beer with friends and teammates than watch a bunch of guys jump afer a ball.
I bet the coach was also reading Hagar the Horrible to get such viking behaviour?
I don't know about Hagar the Horrible, but I have read Egil's Saga, and his outbursts dont seem too unfamiliar to this tale. Basketball would be much cooler if the rules were crossed with those of rugby, or each team was full of Bobby Knights.
I have PIT DOG tattooed on my chest, that would make me a bit more viking than most of the other posters here.