Deflore - Egodrive


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Deflore - Egodrive
Subsound Records – SSR 006 – 25 March 2008
by John Norby


In my experience it can be quite difficult for instrumental bands to hold the attention of listeners for the duration of an album unless they have something really special in the mix. All too often I have cranked up such an album and found them either petering out into irrelevant background music or just getting plain fed up with them and firing on a bit of death metal to stifle the boredom. Italy’s Deflore are one of the select bands who manage to keep it interesting throughout, and kudos to them for having the ability to do so.

Egodrive is a pretty simple affair in that the arrangements are all straightforward enough, in typical instru-industrial style. The beauty is in the fact that the arrangements and layering throughout keeps everything fresh and exciting, with questions left as to what lies around the corner.

There’s definitely a strong Italian vibe on Egodrive, particularly in sections where they seem to go dark ambient metal on things. In fact, opening track, ‘Evil Whales’ would sit very well on a Neronoia or Canaan album, as do most of their other hints at the genre. The overall feel of this album is that of a world in the throes of Armageddon. It’s just so dark. The title track hits that vibe right on the head, with its malicious main riff and driving, mid-paced beat, while the following ’Servo’ offers a brighter outlook for a time before winding down with yet another the-world-is-doomed riff.

Egodrive takes many detours on its way to industrial hell, incorporating a variety of other genres to make its journey all the more interesting. It also touches on a techno trip in places, which serves to add to the sense of hopelessness offered up on these 12 tracks. Dark as hell riffs aplenty, too, and with a guitar tone that is very reminiscent of Meathook Seed’s Embedded. ‘Signal’ and ‘Tracktotank’ are possibly the best examples, as they even sport main riffs that would have fit very well on that ’93 endeavour. Very dark, very atmospheric, very goddam good!

Official Deflore Website
Official Deflore Myspace
Official Subsound Records Website