Deftones Bassist Dies At 42

It feels weird being the one to pull this card, but...not metal so doesn't belong.

That said RIP and all
Nu-Metal is metal but Deftones are definitely more towards the rock end of Nu-Metal but whatever. It's a shame to see this guy die this way. Four years in a semi-conscious state only to die of a heart attack is no way to go.
It feels weird being the one to pull this card, but...not metal so doesn't belong.

That said RIP and all

Well, you've posted a few things that were even less "metal" (i.e. that one tomboy chick who sang folk or some shit).

Anyways, sucks to see anybody die like that. RIP
Nu-Metal is one of those things that the bands labelled as nu-metal probably did not even listen to metal, they have heavier guitars. There are plenty of Rock bands that were edgy and had heavier guitars also. I think it was just hard for nu-metal bands to be labelled at the time.