Deicide-Doomsday In LA DVD


Sep 9, 2006
Have any of you bought and watched the Doomsday in LA video? What'd you think of it? I will eventually get it, it's abot 13 $ on Amazon now but I'm sure it's available through Earache now.
Okay, here's my opinion:
It's fucking crap. The sound quality is the worst I've ever heard on a music DVD. It's worse than a Rainbow concert which is from something like 1977, or Deep Purple from around the same time. You can barely hear the guitars.

The main problem though is the fact someone with absolutely no knowledge of music/music fans directed it. How many fucking times do we need to see music videos/DVDs where the director doesn't show the guy playing the guitar solo? WHY THE FUCK AM I SEEING GLEN OR STEVE DURING ONE OF RALPH'S SOLOS??!! WHY DO I WANT TO SEE GLEN HEADBANG WHEN JACK'S TAPPING IN SOME SOLO?!!!

So the sound is crap and the director is a total fucking arse who doesn't understand music video making.
What about the interviews? Well ,they're okay but I've seen them once now I'll never watch them again. And they're poorly filmed, just like the rest of it.

I WOULD say get "When London Burns" as that's a much better quality DVD. But it's really not much better than this and besides, it's not the proper band members on it.
So really, despite being such a popular band, Deicide still dont have a good DVD available.
Get Vader's "Night of the Apocalypse" instead.
I heard good things about Doomsday in LA and bad things about When London Burns. But the videos from When London Burns I seen where good.
The band's performances on "Doomsday in LA" are excellent, and I suppose if you're not a guitarist you might not mind watching the drummer during a guitar solo. But even at that, the sound quality is garbage, so I woudn't recommend it.
Oh one more thing - for some reason everything works on my disc except the "Homage For Satan" promo. It's a genuine copy, not a pirated version, so I'm really pissed about it.
I watched the DVD again this morning and I was a bit hard on it. The sound isn't great but it's listenable.
The whole "showing Glen while Ralph solos" is just a joke though, it really ruins the DVD for me. The editor actually shows Jack during one of Ralph's solos, then when Jack takes over the solo the view switches to fucking Ralph.
Well i cant even get a hold of it in music stores due to this rap trend. They dont carry Deicide DVD's or records for that matter. I guess due to a lack of demand, i have to manualy order it and from what i hear its really not worth it. Deicide kicks ass, they rock but when london burns had a more professional quality too it and the sound was a hell of a lot clearer. THe sound on Doomsday is muddy, its like someone is covering the speakers with a blanket. Deicide are killer performers though and for like the first time i actualy heard Ralph nail the solo for homage for satan. Jack is jack he played in cannibal corpse for fuck sakes....what can you say bad about that guy? He knows his shit. Funny though poor guy doesnt seem really into it...but oh well what comes from his guitar speaks for itself. All in all i guess its decent from what i seen but i was hoping for it too be better. Murky sounding death metal WAS ok back in the day but by todays standards it dont really meet. Necrophagist....wait till they come out with a DVD...i seen one pro shot on you tube......what can i say, out of this world and on the next level.