Deicide - Stench Of Redemption review

I think Hoffman bros. where the reason for Deicide becoming so boring and bland and of course being apart of RoadRunner.

I may end up getting this even though I had planned not to.
'Homage for satan' only song worth listening.Album is still better than SoC, but nowhere close to Legion what Glen promised
I hate Deicide for two reasons:

1. Their lame pseudo-Satanist lyrics that come off as more stupid than controversial.
2. Their music has not progressed at all. I own their "Best of..." album, and from what I've heard from that and the two most recent albums, they don't want to do anything new. And I hate that. :mad:
Authentic Metalhead said:
I hate Deicide for two reasons:

1. Their lame pseudo-Satanist lyrics that come off as more stupid than controversial.
2. Their music has not progressed at all. I own their "Best of..." album, and from what I've heard from that and the two most recent albums, they don't want to do anything new. And I hate that. :mad:

I find Deicide funny as hell for those reasons. Glen Benton is obviously not too bright, I remember reading an interview with him in Kerrang back in 92-3 where they put him up against a priest in an argument. He lost BADLY. The priest was cool calm and collected and all Glen Benton could do was go "Nnnnggg!! I was POSSESED by Satan himself!! I am the true embodiment of EEEVIL NNNGGGG!!!!! Look, I've got an upside down cross branded into my forehead!! I could kick your ass!!!" etc. The guy's obviously not all there in the head.

To be honest I've only got the first Deicide album, and I think it's probably the only one worth having. I've heard some of their newer stuff and it hella sucked.
If you can find it - I always thought the Amon "Feasting the Beast" pre-Deicide demo-CD was some of their best work(a number of songs are on the first album - but the Amon stuff was superior to me,(vocals, production, etc)

On topic - "The Stench..." is really quite good - particularly if you already like the Deicide/Vital Remains style of DM. It does come off as something of a hybrid of the two...but it's still Deicide through and through(too much at times?).
Good riddance to the Hoffmans that's all I can say. I don't care if Santola is a Hari Krishna...he plays well and adds to the sound immensely.
Before anyone gets all twisted over who believes or hates what, religiously, this is hardly unprecedented. Shit, going back to Merciful Fate, the whole band outside KD were in no way Satanists...but the music ruled! As for Glen, the "l hate god" theme is more than a bit old by now, I'll grant ya that.
OldScratch said:
If you can find it - I always thought the Amon "Feasting the Beast" pre-Deicide demo-CD was some of their best work(a number of songs are on the first album - but the Amon stuff was superior to me,(vocals, production, etc)

Really? I thought that recording sounded like someone vomiting into a flushing toilet whilst farting myself, barely listenable unless you are a hardcore fan. It was all demo stuff they'd done on 4 track in their garage.
Blue_Jay said:
I thought it was their best album but blah.
Satanstoenail said:
Really? I thought that recording sounded like someone vomiting into a flushing toilet whilst farting myself, barely listenable unless you are a hardcore fan. It was all demo stuff they'd done on 4 track in their garage.

Not a particularly hardcore fan at all...just thought it was good, if primitive stuff. To each his own...