Deliverance promo...

Mikeal: the jesus guy
Mendez: the troll guy
Lopez: the stoned guy
Peter: the fun guy
(Per: the spiritual guy)
Yea Peter is def the coolest and nicest in the band. One time after a show in NYC the band and a bunch of people were going to a bar and they were all walking down the street. Pete was hanging out with myself and a group of maybe 6-7 other fans. As everybody else is walking down the street one of them (someone in their group, not a member of Opeth) yells out "Come on Peter, we're leaving!!." So then Peter yells out "No, go ahead I'll meet up with you later." And then he hung out and talked with us for maybe another ten mins or so. Hes always so cool to the fans.

But yea.. that same show when he left my voicemail he said "Hi this is Peter from Opeth. You're calling Justin's phone. Leave a fuckin' message.... right now!!"
It was so awesome.. I have it recorded onto a tape too in case it gets erased somehow.. I'm insane.
RjBeals said:
^ Yeah, I think you "NightSilentWater" are probably the biggest (or most insane) Opeth fan on these boards. Whats some of your super rare stuff?
Heres the whole list if you care to see... it has everything I have. And when I say everything.. I mean EVERYTHING that has to do with them.. including Opeth related and stuff on the hard drive... but the HD stuff is not much bc a lot of the concerts have the same setlists so I dont bother much with them...
^ Like i said, Insanity...

Very impressive collection. I've looked at your picts with the band before though. Your a pretty normal looking guy - with a huge "O" tattoo on your back!! I would argue that you have the biggest collection of anyone in the world.
RjBeals said:
^ Like i said, Insanity...

Very impressive collection. I've looked at your picts with the band before though. Your a pretty normal looking guy - with a huge "O" tattoo on your back!! I would argue that you have the biggest collection of anyone in the world.
yeaa.. I love that O. I think sometime I may get a Still Life tattoo also. Its pretty much the only album cover you can make a decent looking tatoo out of I think and also happens to be my fav album..

But yea.. I've been collecting the stuff for a couple of years and Lord knows how much money I've spent. But whatever.. some people collect stamps, some collect coins, I collect Opeth stuff..
RjBeals said:
You should have bought that wooden "O" that somebody carved out of mahogony. I saw it listed on ebay maybe 6 months ago. It's also pictured on the official site:
Yea thats pretty cool I guess. But I'm not really too big into buying stuff that somebody just makes themselves. Rather piss my money away on official stuff and good bootlegs...
NightSilentWater said:
Heres the whole list if you care to see... it has everything I have. And when I say everything.. I mean EVERYTHING that has to do with them.. including Opeth related and stuff on the hard drive... but the HD stuff is not much bc a lot of the concerts have the same setlists so I dont bother much with them...

but you don't have the flag !! :grin:
NightSilentWater said:
Which one? The BIG black one with gold Opeth logo?? Sure I do... its under posters... "2001 tour banner flag"

@ Decadent: lol thanks.. yea thanks to originally made it. Was it Gunhaver? I just had to use it.

oops, yeah, you do, sorry... :worship: :worship: