Demagogue – Nihil Obstat


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Demagogue – Nihil Obstat
Self-released – EP – 2004
By Russell Garwood


London’s Demagogue began life as a tongue-in-cheek thrash act for Skaldic Curse guitarist Frank Allain. Time passed, and black metal influences crept in, while the music took a darker turn. This, the band’s debut EP, is the result. The thrash elements are still undeniably there, but also present is a malignant atmosphere very reminiscent of the second wave of black metal. This feel is amplified by the semi-melodic nature of the music. To quote the band, “the haunting rhythm of the sterile city that never sleeps provides the relentless subconscious backbone to our music. The polluted core of our twisted minds gives birth to our words and the faceless herds that clutter our path, tearing at our souls, inspire our hatred.” London rush-hour traffic is a bitch, that sums it up pretty well.

The thrashy guitars nevertheless hold quite a lot of melody, with pitch-black riffage throughout and highly effective non-distorted tones overlaid. The vocals are bellowed in what sounds like a mixture of agony and anger. Prominent bass is a highlight, with frequent slapping, and driving, melodic lines. Underneath this there is tight drumming, the crushing beats fitting entirely the mid-paced songs.

Everything is topped off with reasonable production (for a self-financed release), and some eerie artwork. Demagogue are a promising band. Not only are they talented musicians, the song-writing on display here is top notch, and the atmosphere they create is forebodingly beautiful. I’m looking forward to seeing where they go from here. But, I fear, it is now time to leave. I can hear the low murmur of London’s rush hour calling. At least now I have a CD to listen to when I’m fighting it.

Official Demagogue Website