Demesne - Blasphemous Death Metal

Jun 4, 2008
Do you love Satan? Do you love his music? If so, I believe I have some hellish tunes to sell you...

Demesne is a new band of mine and we implore all of you dedicated fans of underground extreme metal to check us out. I think if you enjoy Incantation, Possessed and other similar acts, you might find something you'll like here. We'll finish up recording our debut full length next year.

Here is a MySpace link with our first song online:

A proper website will be up eventually (as well as a more suitable layout for the MySpace page).
The song is sounding good to my ears, and I really like the fact that the esoteric vibe is in full swing. A couple of riffs/sections definitely came out of nowhere for me, but they're worked into the song pretty well if you ask me. I'm assuming it was intended, but the last bit sounds pretty much exactly like something off of Tumultuous Travelings in the vocal department (which is obviously a good thing).

Nice job. I'll look forward to this and the new Cosmic Atrophy album.
Cheers! We'll work on the full length next year when I get together with the rest of the line up. This song was written/recorded just by me for now, so I can't wait to have the other guys' influences and input. I'm glad you appreciated the song. Feel free to tell anyone else about Demesne if you think they'd enjoy it. \m/