Demo Question

A Dying Breed

Jun 6, 2004
I'm looking to record a demo with my band. Is there a standard for how long it should be, how many songs, what should be included with it, etc. for purposes of submitting it to labels? I've heard somewhere that the standard was three songs and a photo or some shit like that, but I don't know if that applies just to R&B singers trying to get signed to Sony or if it's the same deal for bands trying to get noticed by Metal Blade or something smaller. Also, if anybody happens to have any "insider tips" on the best ways to stick out to these people and get them interested (aside from having good music) please include that as well. Thanks in advance.
It varies. Some people want to get a taste of a band and then figure out how to mold them into their vision. Others prefer to hear a whole album and then decide to release it or pass on it.

If you already have three songs then another one or two is not going to really make a difference. Just make sure to include only great material. Leave the filler for the future b-sides compilation. :dopey:

You should contact labels you like and see what they want. Most times you'll get a response like 'we are not excepting any new demos at this time' If you're willing to run head first into that day after day then maybe you'll succeed.

Playing music is fun. Promoting and selling it is not.
On average, a demo should have 3 or 4 songs on it. Your package should also include a photograph, a short biography with contact information and if you can get it all on the same sheet, even better.

There are also magazines out there that will have lists of the different record labels, their addresses and their demo submission policies. Most labels won't touch you without either some kind of representation or an audience (i.e. club draw or sales of demos or records). Unsolicited demos usually are not accepted by the major labels or most of the independents with big artists on their rosters.