Demo site w/ EOS Demo to download.

All demos including the music!! Will be available from my revamped page in one month from now tops...around 750 MB's of 128 MP3's and 500 MB's of AVI movies from my (sometimes very embarrasing) past..

Dan Swanö said:
from my (sometimes very embarrasing) past..

oh goody, 80's hairdoos, dark eyeliner and stuff like that? :p

ah but seriously, it's roaringly splendid to be able to look at that stuff when it's up (and the link in this thread, once at home), it should be superbly interesting :)
Cool with the Mp3's and the videos.
But please encode the Mp3's with the "Fraunhofer encoder" and not the "Lame encoder", because "Lame" isn't that good. It's even in the older versions from Wavelab 4. Fraunhofer rocks! :heh:
Why not thanks to dragonisle? The guy took the time to upload the demo and let us know about it, and he gets ignored? It's great that Dan's putting up a mass amount of mp3s, but I thank dragonisle for taking the time to upload and post that demo.
altough i own Kur-Nu-Gi-A (some guy from my country got it and i bought it to him), it's very awesome that swanö fans can enjoy this masterpiece. i think is very good and it is by far in my top10 list...
I just finished a massive Windows Media File session.
A lot of live video stuff from EDGE OF SANITY, SUBWAY MIRROR, UNICORN (Rehearsal) ICARUS, GHOST, and some promoshots (E.O.S. on headbangers ball) and stuff..

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Dan Swanö said:
I just finished a massive Windows Media File session.
A lot of live video stuff from EDGE OF SANITY, SUBWAY MIRROR, UNICORN (Rehearsal) ICARUS, GHOST, and some promoshots (E.O.S. on headbangers ball) and stuff..


Man, I so cannot wait for this. Do you have a definite date for this to be done? Just asking...
Dan Swanö said:
All demos including the music!! Will be available from my revamped page in one month from now tops...around 750 MB's of 128 MP3's and 500 MB's of AVI movies from my (sometimes very embarrasing) past..


Yeeees!!!! :) :rock: