Democracy Now today talks about Wesley Clark's war crimes in Serbia

Oh, I don't think you should run a positive campaign! I am explicitly NOT criticizing them for negative campaigning.

What I take serious issue with is what they chose to negatively campaign with. There are PLENTY of bad things about every candidate--including Dean--that are legitimate, and that you can and should bring up, even if people will accuse you of negative campaigning.

Making an issue of the flag comment isn't bad because it's's bad because it's a stupid non-issue that can nevertheless be viscerally damaging in the fight against George Bush.
Mindspell is Americanized! That is, frightened--like Michael Moore detailed in Bowling for Columbine--and manipulated by that fear. Clark instill fear in the American people, telling everyone, in essence, "I know I'm a shitty candidate and a bad man. But I can beat Bush! Aren't you more afraid of Bush than me?! HE'S SCARY! BE AFRAID! VOTE FOR ME!"

I think Kerry can beat Bush. I think Dean maybe can, but it'll be harder.
xfer said:
Mindspell is Americanized! That is, frightened--like Michael Moore detailed in Bowling for Columbine--and manipulated by that fear. Clark instill fear in the American people, telling everyone, in essence, "I know I'm a shitty candidate and a bad man. But I can beat Bush! Aren't you more afraid of Bush than me?! HE'S SCARY! BE AFRAID! VOTE FOR ME!"

I think Kerry can beat Bush. I think Dean maybe can, but it'll be harder.
What the HELL are you talking about?