Democrats run the real KKK


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
I'm not talkin about Grand Wizard Senator Robert Byrd, I'm talking about the Kerry-Kennedy Klan. Flabby, white good ole boys who do everything to keep the blacks they own in Mass-of-two-shits poor and stupid.

Here's the article with my useful comments.

BOSTON--Republican Gov. Mitt Romney was introduced as head of a state run by the "KKK ... the Kerry, Kennedy Klan" before a speech Thursday in Washington, words that sparked criticism from Massachusetts Democrats and a rebuke from Romney himself.

Why?? Criticize away, O democrats! Who gives a fuck! Romney should let them foam at the mouth over these things like the mad dogs they are!

"It's not appropriate to joke about the Ku Klux Klan," Romney said in a phone interview from Washington after his luncheon address to the Federalist Society.

Of course it is! I laughed my balls off!

Romney branded the remarks "ill-advised" and "inappropriate."

Still don't know why.

Romney laughed along with the audience, The Boston Globe reported in a story for Friday's edition, and thanked the speaker for "a very generous introduction."

Oh God! He laughed, he laughed. He thought it was funny, oh God... Where's Sam Donaldson when you need him? He was always the stupid prick who, when interviewing someone for ABS News, would always say something like, "You laughed at that? You think that's funny? You support that??" Always trying to build outrage and shock where none exists.

The governor insisted he wasn't really paying attention to the introduction.

Leave lame-ass explanations to Bill and Hitlery. Instead, Romney should grow a spine and spit back at his critics: "I laughed until my stomach hurt and no more tears could run down my face!"

"I was looking at my notes and preparing for my speech at the time," Romney said.

Sounds like Bill Cliton always responding to a new scandal by claiming, "I don't know, I just read about it in this morning's paper..."

State Democratic Party chairman Phil Johnston, who has criticized Romney for making Massachusetts the butt of jokes as a liberal bastion during his out-of-state travel as he considers a run for president, said he was outraged that Romney could find any humor in the remarks referring to Sens. Edward Kennedy and John Kerry invoking the KKK.

Two-shits deserves it! Hellish hippy bastion should be scoured of the its filth progressives. From P-town to the Berkshires!

"It is embarrassing that Gov. Mitt Romney would laugh at any joke that disparages Catholics, African Americans, and Jews," Johnston said.

He didn't. And its not. Typical Demoncrap attempt to distract people by mentioning uninvolved minourities. I'm not surprised.

"This is just further evidence of the lengths this governor will go to ridicule the people of this state in order to advance his own political fortunes."

The creepy wackos of that state deserve it!

The Federalist Society is among the nation's most influential conservative legal organizations, an important constituency for Romney if he decides to run for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008. Several senior members of the Bush administration are members.

Good, so the joke was very appropriate for that venue. Seems to me the only reason this is NEWS, is to get a non-attending Democrat reaction. Like this disgusting child-molesting pervert Phil Johnson (well, that's what someone told me, it might not be true), who's a deranged animal (that IS true, I will testify about his bestial nature to anyone who inquires) is worthy of making news. He is dirt, he is filth, he is gutter-licking rodent for the sewer drain state of this country.

In his speech, Romney also criticized the state's Supreme Judicial Court justices for legalizing gay marriage, saying the justices promoted their values and those of "their like-minded friends in the communities they socialize in," the Globe reported. It was not the first time Romney has criticized the ruling itself.

If that's supposed to make me distrust Romney more, I can only assume the readers are the gay ass-pounders of the insane Phil Johnson. I thought the newspiece was about the KKK joke and Phil "I hope this telephone pole fits up my ass" Johnson's outrage.

The introductory remarks were made by New York attorney Gerald Walpin, a member of the Federalist Society Board of Visitors, according to Keith Appell, a GOP consultant working for the Federalist Society. Walpin did not immediately respond to a telephone message left for him at the Federalist Society.

"Today when most of the country thinks of who controls Massachusetts, I think the modern day KKK comes to mind - the Kennedy, Kerry Klan," Walpin said, according to Appell, who reviewed a tape recording of the event.

Wait a minute. That's not even a joke! That's absolutely true, and it makes one's heart sink.

Johnston said Romney should have denounced the reference to the KKK on the spot.

Bitchlord Johnson tells the Governor what to do. This dog excrement tells everyone what to do!

"Romney could have easily have pointed out the inappropriateness of the comment in his speech," said Johnston.

This is how the newspiece ends. Am I in the USA or fuckin Nazi Germany? Was that news in a majour metropolitan newspaper or a hack sheet wiped off the lavatory floor of some Ministry of Democrat Propaganda.

Sieg heil, den Fuehrern Kerry und Kennedy!

Phil Johnson, fuck you, fuck your mother, go to the brothel and sell your ass, because you need a new Mercedes Benz, you fucking shithead!!!!!!

Everyone is so afraid to offend anyone, its sad.

that´s why i think billy milano rules. he offends everything and anyone. and it seems to me he´s even proud of it. cool, because most people deserve it.

why should we be nice to people that suck?? fuck ém all!!
ps: fuck the KKK - good night white pride