This Jackass Here..

I'm bumping this old shit because I might have been the first one who mentioned the name of the current President of The USA :lol:
All I can say is, Mass of Two Shits got what it wanted! It'll get what it deserves!

Same with New Jerkey and that Menendez dirtball, handpicked by super-wealthy, super-white John "I care about those dumb-ass niggas" Corzine.

Same with these United States! We're back on track for genuine socialism, not this fluffy slow-moving socialism of the neo-con Republicans!


Corporate socialism is the future! Regan, the hero of the right, assured that corporate losses would be socialized by the tax payers. You conservatives ate that all up. You believed it was morning in america or some crap. When Clinton essentially extended Regan's pro-corporate policies, you complained about him getting a blow-job. 8 years of Bush just made that all worse. And now you still moan about non-sense cultural issues while the government is going to hand-out more and more free money to corporations.

If I were a CEO of an America corporation, I would be totally thankfully for the cultural wars you people childishly complain about on this board. It only means you'll be willing to hand over even more money. Congrats.