DEMON MIDGETVILLE (+ the deathrone!!)


human plant/container
Oct 17, 2003
Boston, MA
*double-posted from LJ

In Middlebury, CT, in the middle of the woods, there’s this amazingly creepy abandoned house/ruins. According to story, there once lived in this secluded house a couple. One day, the husband began hearing these demonic whispery voices in his head, so what does he do? Of course, he did the logical thing to do: He built a … DEMON MIDGET VILLAGE in order to house all the voices. Not only did he build an entire village consisting of highly-detailed, tiny stone houses 2-5 feet tall, but he also built a stone throne in order to actually rule over this demon midgetville. At some point, his wife sat in his throne, so he murdered her in it (probably with an axe because we're talking about the woods here.) Now legend says that if one sits in the demon-midgetville-ruling stone, you’ll die within 7 years. This whole area is known to the locals as The Village of the Little People.


Now we heard that, and well, fuck. I had to go check this out or I’d probably die within 7 years out of sheer curiosity. So Toby and I equipped our flashlights (me with a mini-maglite), and we headed into these cold, pathed woods:

This is the first thing we saw from afar:


uh oh. Could that be one of the demon midget houses, we wondered? We crept closer.


yep, it certainly was! Closer…


The details were amazing, look! There was even a little walkway to the house that I was too big for, despite the fact that I, myself am a midget.

My conclusion: Demon midgets are apparently much smaller than us human/normal/non-demonic midgets.

Here is a picture of midget me next to the demon midget house for size-comparative purposes. (I’m 4’9”.)


If you’re into the habit of checking the web addresses of pictures, which I sometimes do because I’m creepy, you may have noticed that this particular picture is titled, “miapoopingonhouse.jpg”. Well, just to clarify, I’m not *really* pooping on the demon midget house. I just happened to be in a weird pooping stance for some reason. It was a coincidence, so please don’t think I took a dump on the demon midget house. Thanks. I don’t know why, because I’m not usually embarrassed about things like that, but in this specific instance, I’d find that exceedingly embarrassing. *shrug*

Here’s the backside of the midget house. (You see? No feces smeared against the roof or anything. Proof that I didn't! HA, take that!) If you peeked inside, you’d see all these bent and rusty/insectile bars running sporadically throughout the mini-demon-house.


I know you’re supposed to die in seven years if you sit in the throne, but errr... I really hope you don’t die if you sit on the demon midget house. Because that’s what I did.


Toby then located the entrance to the big house, the one that this couple supposedly lived in:


Checking out the interior:



Then we climbed on the falling-down roof with green falling-off socks. Toby is always yelling at me for not wearing sneakers. :(:


The view from up there was breathtaking and shuddery and icy and all that yummy stuff:


We hopped off the roof and made our way to the side of the house when GASP!




I look terrified, I’m sure you can tell. I had plans to actually sit in the deathrone/cursed midgetville chair, but staring at the throne in person, I was almost *certain* that the legend was true. Nearing the throne so Toby could take a picture of the me and the deathrone together, I was getting the teensiest paranoid that I'd accidently fall into the throne. Hence, the distance, haha. Whatever, Toby wouldn't sit in it either.

Looking back, I’m thinking how stupid I am for not having at least touched or better yet, licked that throne. I wouldn’t have been scared of licking the throne because I’m really not scared to put anything in my mouth, but dammit, I didn’t even think of that at the time. I could have added “7 year death throne” to my list of epicurean curiosities/lexicon of taste. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Also, I bet it tasted sort of good, maybe even a little peppery and fruity at the same time, like chanterelle mushrooms.


That is so cool. There's a midgetville near where I live, I haven't ventured up close to it yet. Not that I'm scared, I just always forget exactly where it is so when I'm in the mood to actually try, I don't know where to go!
i think mia is sleeping, but i'll answer the best i can.

1. oddly there was a tiny blurb in two weeks ago's ADVOCATE (there was a whole section on Oddities of CT and MA. I didn't really think there'd be anything in their 'exposé' that was new to me but lo, this was. It feels kind of shameful and less cool to hear about a spot from an alt-weekly. But anyway we looked on the internet to find directions.)

we found one demon house and one full sized house, and by that time were too scared to stay any longer. There were also the remains of several other demon houses that had apparently been smashed by vapid, drooling, budweiser-imbued vandals.
wow that's so weird. last weekend someone from MA told me about this place and HE SAT IN THE THRONE last year. i will report in 6 years on his whereabouts.
p.s. toby did you ever read that kids' book we had about a tiny abandoned village inside a mountain that some prepschool kids find? they worshipped/feared venomous snakes and had little gold-coin-like gravestones surrounded by rings of venomed fangs.
josh we need your kids-book knowledge (well, young adult) to figure this out.

i think one kid's name was Snowy, and he (or, maybe, the narrator) ended up losing his finger because of the venom in the fangs when he reached in and touched the gold.
the climax of the story is when the kid finally finds the cave full of the mini-city, which he's been searching for for ages, some bullies follow him in and start HAW HAW HAWing and stomping on the ancient houses and shattering them.

it nearly shattered ME!