Demo's, CD- and LP pressings - CATALOGUE

How good are the bobbleheads! by the gods i need the Arrival... tape. FYI the THOR ARISE did exist but was not released apparently. ASATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I put all my pic LP's (6 of them!) on display last night in my living room... looks so good even my girlfriend likes it!!!
Excuse my noobie ignorance here but where did you add the cassettes??

** shakes head at bein a noob **

** thrashes head along to hermods ride to hel:rock::rock::rock::rock: **
aaah i see... it makes sense now!

Hey do you have all the pic lp's? I would be interested to know anyone else that has them all.

My Avenger one came a bit creased in the post too so if anyone has one for sale I would be interested!!
That's probably the 3rd one I saw on Ebay in the last month or two.

I don't have money this time. May the best viking win!
I was watching it from the start. I made an early bid to lose that Buy It Now price of $ 190,-

Please don't bid on this, so I can get it cheap :p hahaha
Fuck, lost again :(

I think this one was a scam, because there was a bidder with zero feedback, who made 11 bids. I think this is done by the seller, of a friend from the seller, to jack up the price...
I see it happen al the time, unfortunately.
Received my copy of WOOOS 12"today, sealed for only €25,- :D
Anyone knows how many versions there are? I have a 1 disc (I think), but I think I remember seeing a 2 disc version too.
Can anyone confirm that?
Sorry for the bump on this old thread but I think the discography (on page 1) done by haayema is great and needs to be updated now. Maybe together we, on this forum could do a full discography with info and pictures?

Here is a little new discovery: A 4th colour of the demotape "The arrival of the fimbul winter", purple! (Compared next to blue tape) :)
