"Density" by Blut Aus Nord is not 18 seconds of silence.

I still haven't heard them, but I would say I'm very curious, if only to see what all the hubbub is about.
Erik said:
Just a bunch of semi-disturbing noise. It's very avant-garde I suppose
For the record: It's a load of static. Very H.C. om1god I'm so h00rny :loco: So...remind me...why was I expected to pay any attention to this band in the first place? :Saint:
Blut Aus Nord scares the earwax out of my dome, the "silence" between tracks is brilliant, BRILLIANT I SAY!!! Reminds me of Nattens Madrigal, which is brilliant as well, BRILLIANT AS WELL I SAY!!!
You should hear 'The Mystical Beast of Rebellion' (the album just before the 10/10 'The Work Which Transforms God'). It has like 30 seconds to a minute or two between each track, and all the songs are much more brutal. Whenever a song bursts forth from the silence, it shortens my lifespan by a year or two each time.

J. - GET 'THE WORK WHICH TRANSFORMS GOD'. Blut Aus Nord is considered the Neurosis of BM for a reason. In fact, PM me your address, and I'll send you my promo copy.
Nate The Great said:
Whenever a song bursts forth from the silence, it shortens my lifespan by a year or two each time.
It really does on The Work Which Transforms God, I should pick up there other one it seems.

I spent a night in the middle of nowhere driving 100mph down dark roads blasting TWWTG, OH MY GOAT THAT KICKED SO MUCH ASS while it scared the fuck out of me. I thought around any turn I'd run into Satan himself. :Smokedev:
Their latest is their best, followed by the also-excellent Ultima Thulée. Mystical Beast... needs more variation in pace, while Fathers of an Icy Age is just decent, nothing more.